

Monday, March 2, 2015


Let's just say I suck at this.:(  I keep saying that I'll eat low carb, drink more water, exercise more, etc.  I may do it for a day or two...but that's it.  It's annoying.  I have no willpower or motivation.  I WANT to lose weight to look better, feel better, wear cooler clothes, not be invisible.  So I'm not sure what my problem is about losing the weight.  I have gained about 30 lbs since last year at this time.:(  Most of it after August...but not all.  I"m totally disgusted with myself at the moment.  I weigh 320 lbs.  The "ideal" weight for a woman my height (5'8) is like 145-160.  I can't even think about losing THAT much weight...approximately 170 lbs!!  So I'm going to try 10 lb increments & hopefully that will work.  I think I would be happy at 215.  I will never be a model.  So starting today (AGAIN)...exercise for AT LEAST an hour a day, drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water and try to eat low carb as much as I can.  I will do this for 6 weeks & see what the end results are.  Hopefully I can lose a decent amount of weight before then.  Tired of being fat, of clothes not fitting right.  If anyone wants to do this with me...just let me know.  A diet buddy would be good.  Oh, I also started taking a "diet pill" called W700.  Have to take 2 a day with water & meals.  Maybe that will help?  I think they are all pretty much bogus..but might as well give them a try.

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