

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Nighttime is always hardest for me. Too much time to think. Dave will be back tomorrow. He texted today to see how the boys did at bowling. I didn't text back. He called this evening..I didn't answer. I feel guilty. Why should I feel guilty? He doesn't care that he's hurting the boys by moving..why should I care that I may be hurting him by not responding to his attempts at communication? But I do. I will probably cave and talk to him soon. I always do. Maybe I'm just weak.

I got my CPAP machine the other night..have only used it once so far for a brief amount of time. It's annoying, but guess I will get used to it. I know it will take some time.

My weight loss...well not going so well. Really need to work at it more. Bad thing is, I eat when I'm stressed, upset, mad, etc. I know, it's an excuse and I'm working on stopping those too. I used to exercise to Richard Simmons VHS tapes...I know, I know, a lot of people think he's just weird, but I love him.:) I also love his videos. So I just bought his "Sweatin' to the Oldies" DVD's from Amazon. I just got them a couple of days ago and plan on using them starting tomorrow. I KNOW I can exercise to those. These things with people who are already thin...not so much (like Jillian Michaels) though I love her. Will see how it goes and see what I weigh on Thursday.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Kenlie at Alltheweigh went to visit that guy and had an amazing time. Personally I've never heard of him as he isn't famous in Britain but from what I've read, he seems great. Do you read her blog? It's cool! www.alltheweigh.com