

Monday, July 25, 2011


I forgot to put my weight in my last post!LOL I have been doing really good at low carb. This is day 6. It's been a little hard, because I don't have any money until Friday, so I can't buy anything. I can't eat eggs anymore, because they make me sick to my stomach. So I haven't been eating a lot, but when I do, it's low carb. I am now at 305, so I lost 3 lbs this week.:) My 25th year class reunion is next June, so I figure if I can lose at least 3 lbs a week, then I will be able to be around 165 by then. That's pushing it though. I'm just happy with this weeks' weight loss.:) So hopefully next week, I will be 302 or below.

1 comment:

timothy said...

good luck darlin, just don't starve yourself. tuna is a good way to do low carb on a budget. turkey dogs also work and are cheaper too! my 25th reunion is sept. YIKES! lolol