

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I had my MRI done. They said my brain looks OK, but that I have a bulging disc at C4 & C5 in my neck.:( Guess that would explain why it has hurt so much off and on for over a year. It doesn't hurt all the time, but when it does..gives me headaches and makes me nauseous. I see the doctor again next Wednesday to talk about my options. At least I know what the problem is and can work on it now.

Still doing well on the low carb. I have surprised myself. I weigh again on Monday. I had noticed that I haven't been nauseous in the mornings since I started low carb...which is awesome. Get tired of feeling like crap every morning. But last night, my mom and step-dad ordered pizza and I had 2 slices...my first "slip up" in 10 days. This morning, I'm nauseous.:( I'm just glad that I'm not beating myself up for the pizza. Before, I would just say "fuck it, I've already blew it, so I might as well just eat."

My mortgage company has been trying to work with me, so I wouldn't lose my house. Well I have faxed everything they have wanted me to and was waiting to hear from them. When I didn't, I called them yesterday. The main person I needed to talk to wasn't there and I need to call back on Monday, but the guy I talked to said my house is in foreclosure status!!! My ex is supposed to pay the house payment thru next March and he hasn't been, since I have been trying to get lower payments. We were behind before then. So right now, I'm probably like 8 months behind. The guy I talked to said they will probably give me 3 options. To pay the house off..yeah right..we still owe like $93,000. Option 2: to pay all the back payments that we owe...which would be like $8,000...which I don't have OR do a "short sale." OK, the kids and I have no place to go. I'm on the list for Section 8 housing and have been since last August..I called them in May and I was #41 on the list...I called them yesterday and I'm STILL #41!! So I won't even be up for that for at least another year or so. Rent around here is like $1,000 a month and up. If I can't afford $800 a month in mortgage, I sure as hell can't afford that. I'm kind of freaking. I will just have to wait and talk to them and see what they say, I guess. Hopefully I won't lose this house.

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