

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday morning

Well, I don't feel as crazy as I did when I last wrote, which is probably a good thing!!!LOL He's going to Denver AGAIN this weekend...I so have to quit worrying about what he's doing or not doing. That's the hard part. Just "let it go." Not exactly sure how to do that yet, but I will figure it out eventually. I filed for legal separation yesterday. A hard thing to do. There is still a lot to do..parenting classes, probably mediation, etc. Won't be final until like the end of March or beginning of April. I know we'll have to have mediation, because we can't agree on the visitation for the kids...which Chrismtas's he gets them, etc. If it was up to me, he wouldn't have them for any length of time at all. Not because of him, but because of his girlfriend. I just don't think my kids need to be around her. Now instead of her moving down here, he's thinking again of moving to Denver!:( Sometimes, I just want to scream..."MAKE UP YOUR FRIGGIN' MIND!" I know that "God and the Universe" know how things are supposed to be and I just have to have faith that things are going the way they're supposed to. It's very hard for me to just "go with the flow."

I went to his sisters' for dinner the other day and he did a double take when I walked in the room and asked "how much weight have you lost? You can tell." Made my day for sure.:) I've been working at it even though some days I don't feel like doing anything much less exercise.

I've been on a couple of dates, but nothing serious. I was never good at dating before I was married and I sure as hell am not good at it now. But it takes my mind off of things for awhile.

Christmas was good. The kids had fun and got some nice things.:) They are doing well. Phillp goes back to school on the 6th after being expelled since September...he's nervous and so am I. I hope he'll be OK and that the kids won't be jerks. I will have to take him every morning now and walk in with him. That's so annoying. If you don't remember...he had taken an unloaded gun to school in September. But we will get thru this as well. Keep him in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Wow, seems like you have a lot going on in your life. I'm sorry about the divorce, I know what you mean about always wondering what's he's doing, is he thinking of you, etc. I'm in the same spot and it's really rough. I don't know how to let it go either. :( It's good that you're dating some though, atleast to keep your mind off of things. That and the exercise sound like good things for you. I hope things work out with your son, I'm sure he's a tough little guy. Good luck and I hope to read more from you soon!


Fat Daddy said...

Hey Sugar:

I don't know if you are still around since you have not posted for a while. I could not find an email address for you, so I thought I would leave you a comment.

You won the Fat Daddy Retirement Contest by guessing the date closets to when I hit my goal. Please go to my blog and email me with your contact info, and I will send you the $20.00 Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Card. Thanks.