

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where do I begin.....

OK, are you ready for this??LOL It continues to be a crazy ride. Let's see...on Saturday night (6th), I'm supposed to meet this 23 year old guy, Marc, at a hotel and stay the night with him. Hubby says that's fine. Well I could kind of tell before I left that it wasn't, but the guy was already here, so what to do?? I went to see him...well OK...there are good things and bad things about younger guys..LOL He was sweet and all...but pretty quick, if you know what I mean. Then I'm thinking "what am I going to do for the next 10 hours or so??" Well that didn't come to pass, so I was a bit relieved about that (as was hubby). Marc got a text from his babys' mom, saying that she had gotten stung by a bee and was really sick. They needed his insurance card and money from him (deductible) before they would release her from the ER. Oh, btw, they aren't together.LOL So he had to leave anyhow. But before this, he says "I'm hungry, I think I'll run to Taco Bell." He didn't offer to get me anything, so I did ask for a Pepsi...I thought MAYBE he would be nice and bring something back for me too...nope. It was actually pretty funny. I'm just thinking "wow, you have a lot to learn." He came back and ate and left. Said the room was already paid for, so if I wanted to stay I could (so thoughtful). I stayed for a few and then went on home. Was his daughter really sick? I have no idea. But regardless, I'm glad I didn't have to spend the whole night with him.

Then today....well I guess yesterday now...I went to Colorado Springs to see someone. Really into him and liked him. We have been talking for awhile and believe me, he knows what to say. Had fun, went to lunch, drove around and just hung out. Everything was great. He's married, but she sees other people too. So I'm not exactly sure what went "wrong." I get a voicemail first saying what a good time he had and all and then another one later, saying his wife found out about some things and she's pissed. That he will try to contact me later. OK, there are some things I'm leaving out here. I hesitate to write them, because if hubby found out....the guy is black and I'm white. Hubby doesn't want me anywhere near black guys and his wife doesn't want him anywhere near white girls...both of them are Hispanic. So we were just going to remain friends, but I don't know if that's possible now. It makes me sad, because he's a really nice guy....but in the end, maybe it's for the best. Society still frowns on interracial couples/friends or whatever. I think it's crazy, but that's just me. So we'll see how all of that goes.

Ken and I still talk and he wants to continue our relationship, though we hardly ever see each other.

Miss Frank, but have managed to leave him alone. He told me that I could write to him sometimes and he would read them, but couldn't promise to respond. Guess that's better than nothing, right? Or is it?

As for the diet...it sucks and I have no willpower.:(

The anti-depressants seem to be helping some...at least I don't feel like sleeping all the time.


Jase said...

That first part, with the youngster, made me laugh

Kimberly said...

LOL @ he didn't last long...whoops.

Backpacking the blogosphere today...Stopping in to say Hey!