

Monday, August 3, 2015


Well I went to the doctor on the 22nd for a follow up.  She wanted me to get another chest x ray to make sure the pneumonia was totally gone.  Also wanted to talk to me about my blood work.  My cholesterol is "beautiful.":)  I thought that was pretty cool & rubbed it in my ex brother-in-law's face...he's always on my case about my mayo habit.LOL  I may have to give up some things, but mayo is NOT one of them. My iron is really low again...18% & it's supposed to be a lot higher than that.  It had been low once before, so I had taken some iron supplements...which helped.  I stopped taking them though, but obviously I need them.  I haven't started taking them again yet.  I take enough pills.  I will have to take like 4 of those a day.  Also...I'm pre-diabetic.:(  I thought I was, but hearing it from your doctor is a whole other story.  An A1C 6.0 or above is considered diabetic & mine is 5.8.  She said that I have time to reverse it...exercise, lose weight, etc.  Easy for her to say.  If anything..my eating has been more out of control this past week or so than it has been for awhile.  I don't know what the issue is.  It's like I'm ALWAYS hungry.  I'm afraid of getting on the scale.  I don't want to see the damage.  I HAVE exercised a few times...55 minutes of an exercise DVD..but not enough.  I keep saying "I'll be better tomorrow," but that hasn't been happening.  I'm not sure what to do to get it back under control.  Anyway...then there is my thyroid thing...I have nodules on it.  So she did another blood test to check to see how my thyroid is working...I have had my thyroid checked a lot over the years & it's always been "normal."  It was this time as well.  But she wanted to get a thyroid ultrasound done, because she had talked to the Ear, Nose & Throat specialist & he said if the nodules were less than 1 cm, then they would just "watch" them...but bigger than that & they would need to be biopsied.  So she gave me orders for that & the chest x ray.  I went & got those done on the 29th.  I was concerned about the ultrasound because I don't like things around my neck..but it wasn't too bad.  I was watching the monitor as she was doing the exam & she measured quite a few spots.  I got a call from the doctor on the morning of the 31st saying that my chest x ray was good, but that there were some "complex cysts" on my thyroid.  She didn't say how many, but they are on both sides & it's surprising that I don't have at least some trouble swallowing.  She said that she referred me to the Ear, Nose & Throat specialist & that they should be calling me.  Complex means that the cysts are made up of both fluid & solid components.  So I have to have a biopsy.:(  They will stick a thin needle in the cysts...yuck.  I have any appt on August 12th.  I have read some about thyroid cysts & over 90% are benign, so that's good...but the larger they are & if it has some solid stuff in it, it raises the chance of it being cancerous.  So kinda freaking out about that.  They wouldn't even have known that they were there if I hadn't need a CAT scan to find the pneumonia back in June. So I feel that it was meant to be found...but who knows how it will go from here.  Just hoping for the best.

The boys & I are going to Denver tomorrow for a few days.  Take them to the zoo & a few other places.  I wanted to take them somewhere & also spend some time with them before school starts again.  I have so much stuff to do before we leave that I feel a little overwhelmed.  Need to clean up the apartment, clean the car out, do some laundry at the laundromat, pay some bills, etc.  Then get back on Friday & drop the kids off, then am going to house sit for a friend for the weekend in Fairplay.  So all of that will keep me busy for at least awhile.  I'm always a bit scared of August anymore.LOL  Used to be my fave month because my birthday is at the end of the month, but there have been some bad things happen this month...more than other months.  So both really good things & really bad things have happened in August...hoping that this one is a good one though.  Last August was horrible.

My son & I went to Bingo last Friday night.  On the progressive, you had to get a blackout in 55 #'s or less for $3,000...if not then you would get $100.  Phillip got the blackout in 56 #'s!!  SOOOOO close!!!lol  He usually doesn't go with me, so it was nice that he decided to go.

School starts here around the 18th, I think.  Not looking forward to it AT ALL.  Mornings of "I'm tired," "I don't feel good," "I don't wanna go to school today" are in my future.  Just stressful mornings.  I am trying to get them to go to bed earlier now...but the oldest & youngest are NOT cooperating with me at the moment.

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