Sometimes the weeks/days fly by & other times they drag. Can't believe Monday is here again so soon!! I have to work at 8:30am -4:30pm today...I'm soooo not a morning person. After I get there, I will be's just getting there that is the issue.LOL I have to get the kids up in a few. Dominic probably won't go to school today because he has that stomach thing that's going around...still. He has gone to school the past couple of weeks...but has missed a few days because of this. He'll be really sick, start to get better, then gets it again. I feel bad for the poor kid. As for Phillip, we had another meeting with the teachers last Friday & they believe that they can help him as long as he's in school & not missing days. I told him that & he says he won't give me problems about going..but that remains to be seen. He's been doing pretty good. The doctor added Wellbutrin to the other meds he's we'll see how that goes. He confessed last night that he has been smoking the past couple of weeks.:( Just taking cigarettes from his dad or aunt (without them knowing). He knows how "icky" smoking is & what it does to your lungs. I'm not overly mad, because I know kids his age try things like that, but I also told him that I don't want him smoking, that it's a bad habit that he doesn't want to get into. He told me he knows & that he won't do it anymore. Do I believe him? Not sure. I will be keepinig an eye on him for sure..even more so than I have been. I tried smoking when I was around his age, but didn't see the big deal in it, so didn't start. Which I'm thankful for. Both of my parents smoked & my youngest sister does. Plus they see their dad smoking as well. Just not a good thing to be around.
I took the boys to Colorado Springs last weekend...which I should have just waited to do. I knew the weather wasn't going to be that great..but they really wanted to go. So we left Friday after school. The weather wasn't too bad then, though we did run into some snow. The hotel was really nice & not expensive. The boys got to swim for awhile & we just hung out, so that was nice. But then the news said a storm was coming in Saturday night & that there would be quite a bit of snow. I don't like driving in the snow..especially the road between here & Canon City. So I decided that we would leave on Saturday instead of Sunday..which the boys weren't too happy about, though Dominic was all for it, because he didn't want to be caught in the snow anymore than I did. I had paid for two nights thru an on-line site, so now am trying to get the money back for Saturday night...we'll see how that goes. Anyway, we were going to hang out with JM some on Saturday, but since we were going to leave that day, decided to just do breakfast. We went & picked him up & went to Village Inn. The boys liked him, though they didn't talk much since they are shy at first. He also liked them, which I'm thankful for. I know that a lot of things could have changed for the worse if they hadn't liked each other. JM also gave me a teddy bear when I first went to pick him up.:) I was surprised & thought that was sweet of him to do. He wasn't feeling all that great because of one of his teeth, but he wanted to go to breakfast with us anyway, which I thought was cool. Anyway, then we dropped him back off & went to the mall on the way out of town. Which may have been a huge mistake.LOL The boys got a few things, as did I. Then stopped at Barnes & Noble & each got a too. Like I needed more!!LOL Spent way too much money, which I feel a bit guilty about to an extent, but the boys had fun & that's what's important. We did end up getting some snow, so glad we came back when we did. I probably won't get back down there for a few weeks. It kinda sucks, but it's all good.
I ordered some exercise DVD's & started using them yesterday. It's called "Slim in 6." So just watch what I eat & do the DVD's daily for 6 weeks & supposed to really help. So here's hoping.:) I was going to exercise this morning...but just too tired & not in the mood. So will have to do it after work today. I was concerned about doing that, because usually at the end of work, I'm hurting a bit, but it should all be good. Will just take a couple of Aleve or something.
Hope everyone has a good week.:)

Monday, February 25, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I did end up going to Colorado Springs both times. Mom & Duke bicker constantly these it was interesting riding with them. He's just grumpy. Plus he's used to driving, so with mom driving...he kept telling her she was too close to the white line, she's going too fast, etc. Got a bit annoying actually. He's about the same..he has to go down again next month. He was doing really well on the 'diet' they first put him not so much. He's retaining A LOT of water again...because he's eating things he's not supposed to & drinking more fluids than he's allowed. The doctors told him that he couldn't drive AT of course he's been going to Wal Mart & wherever else whenever he can. I understand it when someone tells you not to do just makes you want to do it more...but this is about his health, ya know? Worrisome. My mom has the flu & pneumonia...but still doing things she shouldn't be doing at the moment until she's cleaning houses. I haven't been able to help her because I have had more hours the past few days. They just don't listen at all. Sometimes it seems to me that they are worse than the kids!
Work is going well..though it's also kicking my ass. Standing up for like 7-8 hours a day isn't a picnic. Some days I'm legs really hurt even if I do take Aleve or whatever. Plus have to take some "energy pills" & drink Rockstar to get some energy going most of the time. I work in about 35 minutes...and I'm not feeling great...hoping I'm not getting what the kids had. I was going to call off today, but have missed enough days I hate actually having to call in.LOL I have 4 days off after I can do it. Planning on taking the kids to Colorado Springs this weekend just to get away & maybe introduce them to JM & vice versa. Will see. I'm not too happy with things right now where that's concerned...what else is new, right? We actually had a great two days while I was there over Valentine's Day. Watched movies, cuddled, talked..the usual. He wasn't feeling all that great. Anyway, no sex for me. If I get too blunt for you sometimes..well that's just who I am at this point in my life. I was a bit bummed about this..,.since I'm totally in love with him. He says he is with me as well. We texted late last night about this very thing. He's in love with me, wants to be with me, etc...but isn't physically attracted to me at all. So I told him that was confusing to me. He said it shouldn't be...that love doesn't have to necessarily mean having sex. OK.... I told him not too long ago that I would like him to initiate things sometimes & he asked me if I just wanted him to jump on me even if he wasn't "feeling it." I jokingly said "yes please" & he told me good luck with that. But if I initiate things...most of the time I get shot down. Rejection sucks. I don't think that me losing weight will help any where this is concerned...I really don't know what else to do. I know I most likely sound pathetic...but maybe love is the main thing & who needs sex, right? I will keep telling myself that & maybe someday I will believe it. He didn't have to go last said we could keep talking (he called me after I said that it was weird to be in love with someone & not physically attracted to them). I told him that I had to go, that I was tired. That's the last I have talked/texted him. I really just don't know what to say at this point in time.
Then there's Dave (ex) who keeps WANTING to hook up. The funny thing is, I have no desire to do that at all with him. Maybe it's not so funny. It took me a long time to get over him. Why start all of that crap up again??
I had another chest x-ray done the other day & also a first one. Both came back fine.:) Though my heart is "mildly enlarged" & I have some "mild degeneration in my thoracic spine area." Guess nobody has everything "right" with them all the time, right?
The boys are well at the moment..knock on wood. Phillip turned 15 on the 13th...still hard to believe. I had to work all day that day, but went with him & Dave out to dinner on my lunch break.
Hope all of you are having a good week.:) For those of you who have blogs, I will catch up soon.:)
Work is going well..though it's also kicking my ass. Standing up for like 7-8 hours a day isn't a picnic. Some days I'm legs really hurt even if I do take Aleve or whatever. Plus have to take some "energy pills" & drink Rockstar to get some energy going most of the time. I work in about 35 minutes...and I'm not feeling great...hoping I'm not getting what the kids had. I was going to call off today, but have missed enough days I hate actually having to call in.LOL I have 4 days off after I can do it. Planning on taking the kids to Colorado Springs this weekend just to get away & maybe introduce them to JM & vice versa. Will see. I'm not too happy with things right now where that's concerned...what else is new, right? We actually had a great two days while I was there over Valentine's Day. Watched movies, cuddled, talked..the usual. He wasn't feeling all that great. Anyway, no sex for me. If I get too blunt for you sometimes..well that's just who I am at this point in my life. I was a bit bummed about this..,.since I'm totally in love with him. He says he is with me as well. We texted late last night about this very thing. He's in love with me, wants to be with me, etc...but isn't physically attracted to me at all. So I told him that was confusing to me. He said it shouldn't be...that love doesn't have to necessarily mean having sex. OK.... I told him not too long ago that I would like him to initiate things sometimes & he asked me if I just wanted him to jump on me even if he wasn't "feeling it." I jokingly said "yes please" & he told me good luck with that. But if I initiate things...most of the time I get shot down. Rejection sucks. I don't think that me losing weight will help any where this is concerned...I really don't know what else to do. I know I most likely sound pathetic...but maybe love is the main thing & who needs sex, right? I will keep telling myself that & maybe someday I will believe it. He didn't have to go last said we could keep talking (he called me after I said that it was weird to be in love with someone & not physically attracted to them). I told him that I had to go, that I was tired. That's the last I have talked/texted him. I really just don't know what to say at this point in time.
Then there's Dave (ex) who keeps WANTING to hook up. The funny thing is, I have no desire to do that at all with him. Maybe it's not so funny. It took me a long time to get over him. Why start all of that crap up again??
I had another chest x-ray done the other day & also a first one. Both came back fine.:) Though my heart is "mildly enlarged" & I have some "mild degeneration in my thoracic spine area." Guess nobody has everything "right" with them all the time, right?
The boys are well at the moment..knock on wood. Phillip turned 15 on the 13th...still hard to believe. I had to work all day that day, but went with him & Dave out to dinner on my lunch break.
Hope all of you are having a good week.:) For those of you who have blogs, I will catch up soon.:)
Monday, February 11, 2013
It's actually snowing here today. I know this is Colorado...and you would think that we get a ton of snow. We used to..but not anymore. It has been VERY dry here the past few years. This is the most snow that we have gotten since last Spring. The shocking thing's STILL snowing!LOL Usually it starts a little, then the wind comes up & blows it out of here. We only have a few inches right now, but it's better than nothing. I'm supposed to go to Colorado Springs tomorrow with mom & Duke for his doctors' appt...but not sure if we're going or not now..the roads may be pretty crappy. Then I was supposed to go down there on Thursday to spend Valentine's Day with JM...he may not be too happy if I'm not able to. He had a chance to go to Seattle & then to California with his friends this weekend...but he gave that up, because we had already made plans for Valentine's let's hope I can go. The past couple of days haven't been great for us. He's stressed out over something, but doesn't feel the need to share it with basically he's just not talking to me much. Which annoys me, but you can't make someone do something that they don't want to do or feel something that they don't. I'm just basically trying to get thru the days at the moment. Sometimes life is like that. This is one of those times for me. I find no joy in things, don't look forward to anything, etc. I know that it'll pass sooner or later...just hope that it's sooner rather than later.
I have to work at 5:30pm today...I would rather just work in the mornings & get it over with. Can't really complain though, I don't have many hours this week.
Dominic & Matthew stayed home today. They aren't feeling great. Phillip went to school..which is a good thing. He didn't want to, but at least he's going. Let's hope that he keeps it up. Either that or hope that I become a stricter parent.
I lost 4 lbs over the weekend. Which I'm happy about. Just watching carbs...but also taking my "water pills," so maybe it's just water weight..whatever it is...302 is a lot closer to getting out of the 300's & right now, that's my main goal.
I have to work at 5:30pm today...I would rather just work in the mornings & get it over with. Can't really complain though, I don't have many hours this week.
Dominic & Matthew stayed home today. They aren't feeling great. Phillip went to school..which is a good thing. He didn't want to, but at least he's going. Let's hope that he keeps it up. Either that or hope that I become a stricter parent.
I lost 4 lbs over the weekend. Which I'm happy about. Just watching carbs...but also taking my "water pills," so maybe it's just water weight..whatever it is...302 is a lot closer to getting out of the 300's & right now, that's my main goal.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Can't believe that another week has gone by already! Where does the time go? Well...I have to go into work this morning...I'm sure I will get "reprimanded" because I missed two days this week..even though I had a doctors note. You can only miss 3 days in 6 months & I have now missed like 5. When I'm sick, I'm sick. I worked on Monday..felt like crap...left about 40 minutes early for a doctors' appt. My chest was pains all the way thru to my back. He said I have "myalgias." He would press on certain points on my body & it HURT. So he told me that I should take the rest of the week off & rest. Has it helped? Not really. I still don't feel "good." He called back not too long after I left the office & told me that he wanted me to get a chest x-ray & a mammogram (my first one) did that on the 7th. That was an interesting experience, but not as painful as I thought it was going to be. Of course, I won't hear anything about either of those things for like a week...hate waiting.LOL He also said that I may be starting perimenopause...which I figured as much. I'm sooo thrilled. He says I'm pretty "young" for that, but since I have only one ovary now....that it could happen.
Phillip has been going to school...went 3 out of 4 days this past week! Hey, I'm proud!!LOL He almost got into a fight on Thursday though because this kid called me fat & of course, Phillip felt the need to stick up for me..but the principal heard it as well & took the kid to the office for the rest of the day. Matthew has told me before that some kids in his grade say that to him as well & he also sticks up for me. It breaks my heart that they even have to do that.:( It shouldn't be a problem for them. I'm very ashamed.
I have had a great week at Bingo! Won $125 on Wednesday night & $430 on Thursday night!! Crazy, right?? Plus Dave got his income tax back yesterday & I get my half on Monday, which is cool. Some of it goes to bills. Then this is what I would like to do with some of it..though not sure if I will actually DO them all....get another tattoo, get a "mothers' ring" for myself, get some exercise DVD's off of, get some books I have wanted for a long time off of Amazon & save the rest...after getting a few things for my kids. They have gotten plenty lately.
Mom went to Grand Junction for a couple of days this week to see Cindy & Jasmine. I'm glad that she got to go. It's not very often that she gets to "just go" & especially by herself. Duke just isn't feeling good enough to go.
Mom, Dominic, Matthew & I went to Ft. Carson on the 1st to get Dukes' meds. Matthew wants to be in the military when he grows up. Anyway, we were in the commisary(sp?) & there was an army guy in front of us in his "uniform." I thought Matthew was going to pass out!!LOL It was soo cute! He's like "I have never been this close to an army guy before! I know Duke was in the Army, but he's not anymore!" LOL So the guy was in the lane next to us & he kept looking over, because Matthew was like staring at him, so I finally told the guy that my son would like to meet him. He shook Matthew's hand & talked to him for a would have thought that he got to meet a celebrity!! I thought he was going to hyperventilate!LOL He kept saying afterward that he couldn't believe that he actually got to meet any army guy.:) It brought tears to my eyes to see him like that. Happy tears, but I just didn't know that something like that would mean so much to him. That guy made his whole year & he probably doesn't even know it. I'm glad that he was a nice guy & not some ass.
I get to spend Valentine's Day with JM.:) I'm happy to see him again for sure (not sure when I will be able to after that again..though I plan on taking the boys down some weekend in March & getting a room..they love doing that...a hotel with an indoor swimming pool..then JM can meet them if he doesn't chicken out or whatever)'s just a confusing, sometimes stressful situation. I just don't think he knows what it is he wants. He's looking for like a "movie romance" (aren't we all?) or something...& I just don't fit the bill. He does love me & that's a huge thing in my book though. I know everyone is probably tired of hearing about him, but I still need to write about it from time to time.
Oh, I went to Bingo again last night in Buena Vista & hung out with Brad again afterward for about an hour. We just go to his house & hang out & talk. I think he's just lonely. He makes me laugh & I hope I do the same for him. He has some issues he's working thru & I told him that if he ever needs to talk, to let me know. He actually gave me his phone number as well...which was cool. He's a good guy.
Phillip has been going to school...went 3 out of 4 days this past week! Hey, I'm proud!!LOL He almost got into a fight on Thursday though because this kid called me fat & of course, Phillip felt the need to stick up for me..but the principal heard it as well & took the kid to the office for the rest of the day. Matthew has told me before that some kids in his grade say that to him as well & he also sticks up for me. It breaks my heart that they even have to do that.:( It shouldn't be a problem for them. I'm very ashamed.
I have had a great week at Bingo! Won $125 on Wednesday night & $430 on Thursday night!! Crazy, right?? Plus Dave got his income tax back yesterday & I get my half on Monday, which is cool. Some of it goes to bills. Then this is what I would like to do with some of it..though not sure if I will actually DO them all....get another tattoo, get a "mothers' ring" for myself, get some exercise DVD's off of, get some books I have wanted for a long time off of Amazon & save the rest...after getting a few things for my kids. They have gotten plenty lately.
Mom went to Grand Junction for a couple of days this week to see Cindy & Jasmine. I'm glad that she got to go. It's not very often that she gets to "just go" & especially by herself. Duke just isn't feeling good enough to go.
Mom, Dominic, Matthew & I went to Ft. Carson on the 1st to get Dukes' meds. Matthew wants to be in the military when he grows up. Anyway, we were in the commisary(sp?) & there was an army guy in front of us in his "uniform." I thought Matthew was going to pass out!!LOL It was soo cute! He's like "I have never been this close to an army guy before! I know Duke was in the Army, but he's not anymore!" LOL So the guy was in the lane next to us & he kept looking over, because Matthew was like staring at him, so I finally told the guy that my son would like to meet him. He shook Matthew's hand & talked to him for a would have thought that he got to meet a celebrity!! I thought he was going to hyperventilate!LOL He kept saying afterward that he couldn't believe that he actually got to meet any army guy.:) It brought tears to my eyes to see him like that. Happy tears, but I just didn't know that something like that would mean so much to him. That guy made his whole year & he probably doesn't even know it. I'm glad that he was a nice guy & not some ass.
I get to spend Valentine's Day with JM.:) I'm happy to see him again for sure (not sure when I will be able to after that again..though I plan on taking the boys down some weekend in March & getting a room..they love doing that...a hotel with an indoor swimming pool..then JM can meet them if he doesn't chicken out or whatever)'s just a confusing, sometimes stressful situation. I just don't think he knows what it is he wants. He's looking for like a "movie romance" (aren't we all?) or something...& I just don't fit the bill. He does love me & that's a huge thing in my book though. I know everyone is probably tired of hearing about him, but I still need to write about it from time to time.
Oh, I went to Bingo again last night in Buena Vista & hung out with Brad again afterward for about an hour. We just go to his house & hang out & talk. I think he's just lonely. He makes me laugh & I hope I do the same for him. He has some issues he's working thru & I told him that if he ever needs to talk, to let me know. He actually gave me his phone number as well...which was cool. He's a good guy.
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Five Things
1. Share five things you hope to do before you die.
- Go to Ireland
- Be able to wear tighter shirts without having a belly roll.
- Sit on a beach at sunset with my feet buried in the sand & not a care in the world.:)
- See all "movie star" cemeteries in Hollywood & surrounding areas.
- Have one more passionate love.
2. List five things you love about yourself.
- My eyes
- My sense of humor
- My heart...when I love, I love hard.
- My unique kind of craziness.;)
- My height?LOL I really had a hard time coming up with another thing!!
3. Share the five coolest things that you’ve done in 2013.
- Haven't lost my job yet?LOL I haven't done a lot of cool things in 2013 yet....they are still to come. Ask me this question in December.;)
4. List five things that you always have in your kitchen.
- coffee pot
- microwave
- Cinnamon candle
- Kitchen Table
- can opener
5. Share five places you would like to go on vacation.
- Turks & Caicos....I have seen pics...very nice.;)
- A cruise of the Bahamas
- Ireland...are you tired of hearing that yet?LOL
- Hawaii
- Australia
6. List five celebrities/public figures you’d like to meet.
- Sandra Bullock
- Jeffery Dean Morgan
- Katherine Heigl
- Luke hot!!:)
- Jodie Foster...have always liked her.
7. List five bands or artists you’d like to see perform live.
- Nickelback
- Luke Bryan
- Def Leppard...hey I didn't get to see them in the 80's!LOL
- Rob Thomas
- Skillet maybe...there are quite a few others as well.
8. List five TV shows that you don’t want to miss.
- Supernatural...though I have missed too many this season.
- Person of Interest
- Chicago Fire...LOVE that show!
- NCIS: Los Angeles
- Blue Bloods
9. Share five things you wanted to do as a child.
- Be a nurse
- Be a psychologist
- Be a truck driver...LOL..does anyone remember "BJ & The Bear?"
- Live in a bookstore.;)
- Move to California
10. Share five things you hope to do in 2013.
- Go on a cruise
- Get down to at least 245
- Go to Las Vegas again..haven't been in a couple of years.
- Move to a different town
- Go to my Job Corps reunion in Montana in September.
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, friends!!!!!!!
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