I can lose & gain like 5 lbs within a few days...it's very irritating. I weighed a couple of days ago & I was 302...so was looking forward to being under 300 by my birthday...instead I'm up to 307 again! It makes no sense to me. The only thing I didn't do was take my "water pill" yesterday that I take for high blood pressure. If I don't take that for a day or two, I can gain between 3-5 lbs of water weight. So I don't know if that's it or what...but I get discouraged. But at least I'm below 310 & that's a good thing. I had gotten back up to like 317 again & was seriously freaking out. I felt that if I got back to 320 again that I would just be at the point of no return & end up being 600 lbs or something. So, for now, I will take the 307. Now...I have been wearing shorts all Summer...jean shorts..not stretchy ones...I learned from past mistakes on that one. I was wearing a size 48 mens jean...yes I know that's big people...before Summer...well I got into a size 46 today and it's not that tight!! WOO HOO!! Now to put that into perspective...I have written about this once before, but at the end of the Summer in 2008 I think it was...I had worn stretchy shorts all Summer...I went to put on a pair of my jeans from the Spring...I couldn't even get them past my thighs!! The biggest mens' jean they have at Wal-Mart is like a 52..and usually they don't even have that. Even THOSE wouldn't fit me!! I think I found a pair out of town that was a 54 & yep..you guessed it...didn't fit me either. So had to go to a fat girl store and get jeans there. Well I figure those were the equivalent (sp?) to a size 56 mens' jean at Wal-Mart (their sizes were different). So I was in like a size 56 jean at one time & am now in a size 46. So yes, I'm quite happy & proud of myself for that.:) I haven't been below a size 44 in years...so that's a goal to go for.
Yesterday, my niece, Jasmine turned 2.:) I wasn't able to go over for her birthday though..due to lack of money & a decent vehicle. She lives 4 hrs away. My mom & step-dad were able to go over though...so that's cool. Also Justine went with her ex-boyfriend Andy. Now there's a weird situation that I won't go into right now. Justine is Jasmines' half sister...they are A LOT of years apart! Justine is 19 right now.
My 43rd birthday is on Friday...that's so weird to say. I freaked out over turning 40...but now it's not such a big deal...though I don't usually FEEL like I'm in my 40's. Some days...I definitely do though. I'm going to Colorado Springs on Thursday to spend the weekend with JM.:) I'm happy & excited about it. I haven't seen him since the end of July. We've had our ups & downs...I don't know if it will work out or not...I hope so...but you never know. We enjoy spending time together & just hanging out & that's cool with me.
I STILL have a stuffy nose. I don't think I have ever had one for this long before! It's annoying. I can't smell or taste anything. The doctor gave me some nose spray & I guess that's helping a bit. Also prescribed an anthistamine (sp?), but I haven't been able to get that yet...probably won't be able to until sometime next week...just lack of funds. I'll have money on Friday, but I won't be here to get it then.

Monday, August 27, 2012
Kissed your cousin: Ummmm....no...though I DO have some hot looking cousins!!;)
Ran away: No...but feel like it sometimes.
Pictured your crush naked: Not really...would rather SEE them naked!!LOL
Skipped school: I think once or twice when I WAS in school...maybe a few more times than that.
Broken someone's heart: Yes....and I'm not proud of it.
Been in love: A few times
Cried when someone died: WHY wouldn't you cry if someone died?? If you don't..then there is something a little off about you.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Maybe a few times
Broken a bone: No.....knock on wood
Done something embarrasing: I'm pretty sure I have done a few embarrassing things in my life.
Lied: I try not to, but sometimes...well it just comes out of my mouth before I can stop it.LOL Not big lies...just lies so I don't make someone mad at me or hurt their feelings.
Cried in school: I'm pretty sure I cried a few times in school for one reason or another.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke...diet now.
Sprite or 7UP: Neither...but if I have to choose...7UP
Girls or Guys: Definitely guys!!;)
Flowers or Candy: Flowers...don't need candy.
Scruff or Clean shaved: It depends on the guy..some guys look good "scruffy." Here is an example of each:
Channing Tatum....and look at that smile!! Yummy!!
Eric Christian Olsen...plays on NCIS: Los Angeles...such a hottie!!
Blondes or Brunettes: It depends on the guy...
Bitchy or Slutty: If it's talking about me....I'm probably more bitchy than slutty...though I think most girls have that inner slut.LOL
Tall or Short: Would rather have the guy taller than me...I'm 5'9.
Pants or Shorts: If you're going out...than pants for sure...if just hanging out...go with the shorts.
Night or Day: I'm more of a night person...love the night...should be a vampire...but drinking blood would be nasty...and I don't want to be a "sparkly" vampire!LOL
What do you notice first: Their eyes and smile...probably the smile first. LOVE a nice smile...not everyone has to like it...but if I do....I'm a goner.
Last person you slow danced with: I haven't slow danced in so long I can't remember...probably my ex-husband.
Worst Question To Ask: "When are you due" and then find out that they're NOT pregnant!! Happened once...talk about awkward!!
Showered: Yesterday afternoon...getting ready to jump in the shower now after I'm done with this.
Stepped outside: About an hour ago...some of these questions are weird.
Had Sex: Do you REALLY want to know this???LOL Are we talking about GOOD sex or just ANY sex? The beginning of July for just sex...it could have been a lot better...but I was sick. GOOD sex....it's been too long to remember.:( I don't get to have sex often these days...*sigh*
Romantic memory: Going for a walk by the river.
WHAT IS (your favourite)...
Your Good Luck Charm: I really don't have one...though I'm on the lookout for any that work!
Person You Hate Most: I don't HATE anyone...it's a waste of energy. Now there are some people who I highly dislike in this world and I'm sure they feel the same about me.
Best Thing That Has Happened: Having my kids.
On your desk: A bunch of junk that I really need to go thru and get rid of. Way too much clutter.
Picture on your desktop/laptop: Can't remember what it's called...but it has bubbles floating around....soooo entertaining.:)
Movie: I love a lot of different movies...but one of my fave of all time is "Tombstone."
Artist: Thomas Kincaide...RIP
Cars: I don't know a lot about cars...as long as they run...I'm good.LOL I do like trucks though...a dark blue or black one would be nice.
Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Season: Autumn...LOVE that time of year!!
Breakfast Food: I don't eat breakfast in the morning usually...yes I know that's weird...but if I eat too early, then I don't feel well. But my fave breakfast food....crisp bacon!!! I could live on that stuff.
Makes you laugh the most: It's hard to make me laugh these days and anyone who can is automatically on my best friends list!! I will have to say...JM.
Makes you smile: My friends family & JM...you may get tired of those initials.
Can make you feel better no matter what: I don't know about this one..it's hard to make me feel better if I'm really down...so I will have to say myself.
Has A Crush On You: I have no idea...
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: I definitely do...yes you guessed it...JM!!LOL
Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: Has it easier for what? Getting good paying jobs..probably guys...but that is changing a bit now. Has it easier getting laid? Definitely girls. Guys have to work for it...girls just have to go up to some guy usually and tell him she wants to get laid and he's game!!
Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: JM...a good funny feeling...butterflies in my stomach.
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: When I was younger, I used to wait by the phone...but now that I have a cell...I just check it for texts every 5 minutes!!LOL OK I exaggerate a little.:)
Save MSN/Yahoo messages: No...I really don't get on messenger all that much.
Save E-mails: Some of them, I do...if they have something important in them or are from someone that is really important to me.
Forward secret E-mails: Secret e-mails? Why would they be "secret?"LOL
Wish you were someone else: No I don't wish I was anyone else...I'm me and that's good enough. Now do I wish I could change a few things about myself? Yes. I would be thinner and not be so insecure about everything.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Nope.
Perfume: Curves Crush
Kiss: Any time I can! Kissing is one of the best things in life!
Cuddle: YES! LOVE to cuddle!!
Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: I have been on way too many hours at a time...but I don't think it's ever gotten up to eight!
Fallen for your best friend?: No...since my best friends are girls and I have never swung that way!;)
Made out with JUST a friend?: Ummmm....yes I have...a GUY friend!!LOL
Kissed two people in the same day?: I must say...yes I have, but not recently.
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Again I have to be honest and say yes. But this was when I was younger...that's my only excuse.
Been rejected: A million times.:( OK, maybe not THAT many...but too many to think about.
Been in love?: I think I answered this question already...yes a few times. It doesn't happen often...but I love being "in love."
Been in lust?: Now this happens MUCH MORE frequently than falling in love!!LOL
Used someone?: I hope I have never used anyone...if I have, I didn't mean to.
Been used?: Yes unfortunately...I used to be way too nice...still am sometimes...but have learned my lesson....took me awhile though.
Cheated on someone?: Yes I have....again when I was younger...guess I wasn't a very "good" person when I was younger, huh?:(
Been cheated on?: Yes. My ex-husband left me for someone else
Been kissed?: Well I should hope so! I have 3 kids!!LOL
Done something you regret?: I try not to regret anything, because everything I have done, has made me the person I am today and I don't think I'm half bad.
You touched?: My kids when I hugged them before they left for school this morning.
You talked to?: Again....my kids.
You hugged?: OK this is getting silly...my kids!!LOL
You instant messaged?: I don't do instant message.
You kissed?: JM
You yelled at?: Dave...my ex
You thought about?: Definitely JM...think about him a lot.
Who text messaged you?: Mike
Who broke your heart?: My ex...hoping it never happens again..but that just may be wishful thinking.
Who told you they loved you?: JM...made my day.:)
[b]DO YOU...
Color your hair?: Yes...original color is light brown...I dye it blonde.
Have tattoos?: Yes I have one on my forearm...
Have piercings?: One in each ear
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes I have a boyfriend....JM I'm telling you!!LOL
Own a webcam?: Yes, but I don't usually use it....think I look ridiculous on it.
Own a thong?: LOL...no
Ever get off the damn computer?: Every now & then.;)
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Does that mean "speak Dutch?"LOL If so...no.
Habla espanol?: I took Spanish in high school...but didn't learn anything.LOL
Quack?: Ummmmm......not today?LOL
Stolen anything?: When I was a kid...I used to steal things.:( Not proud of that.
Smoke?: No..just never got into it..which I'm thankful for.
Schizophrenic?: No
Obsessive?: Yes I can be.
Compulsive?: Definitely...which isn't always a good thing.
Obsessive compulsive?: Yes about certain things I am...like checking to make sure something is locked when it's supposed to be or turning off the stove.
Panic?: I used to have panic attacks A LOT.:( I wouldn't wish them on anyone. They're horrible.
Anxiety?: Yes I still get anxiety from time to time...especially if I feel "out-of-control" of my life.
Depressed?: I have had depression off & on since I was 15. Am I depressed right now? No not really..but when I get depressed...I'm REALLY depressed...it sucks & I try not to get that way too often if I can help it.
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Tech Questions
1. PC or Mac? I have a "Notebook PC," so I will have to stick to what I know.LOL
2. When did you get your first computer? I'm thinking that we got our desktop probably in 2000 or somewhere in that area..that died a slow death! Then got my first laptop around 2007, I believe..though can't remember for sure. My newer laptop got last December. I just used to use the libraries a lot!LOL
3. Do you use cable, DSL or something else? It's in a package with my TV....so cable.
4. When choosing a laptop, do you think it’s more important to choose the fastest one, or the lightest one? It doesn't really matter to me...but if I had to choose...it would be fastest...I'm a very impatient person.
5. What kind of cell phone do you own? I had a Blackberry...but couldn't afford the payments on it every month.:( So a couple of months ago..got one of those from Wal-Mart...Samsung StraightTalk, I believe...you can really tell I pay attention to this kind of thing!!LOL
6. How do you carry your laptop when you travel? I usually don't travel that much and if I do, I don't take my laptop with me anymore. Did once, connected to the hotels' WiFi and got a virus.:( Lesson learned. Though if I take it to the library or whatever..I have a backpack thing I put it in.
7. How many e-mails do you send on an average day? I don't send a lot of e-mails...I belong to a couple of social sites..so send messages thru there....as for real e-mails....maybe 5 a week if that. I need to be better about that before my friends and some family disown me!!
8. Do you ever blog using your iPad or similar tablet? I don't have one of those...so no. Anyone who can afford all of this stuff....I give you credit.
9. What do you use more often – a desktop or a laptop? I use my laptop A LOT more. I don't have a desktop anymore, but sometimes use the one at my moms' or at the library.
10. As a blogger, are there other gadgets that you need to get the job done? If so, what are they? Nope don't use anything else.
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions on your blog! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, friends!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Phillip did OK at school yesterday. I hope it stays that way. I doubt it will...but we will see. The principal talked to him some...and told him to come to her if he has any problems. Cathy....they used to have an alternative school here...not sure if they still do or not...the only problem with that is I believe you have to be a Junior before you can get into it. We also only have one Middle School here, as well as one High School. There are a couple of small towns around us and I have considered sending him to one of those. We'll see how this goes for now....I actually feel a bit sick to my stomach knowing that I have to send him off to school to deal with who knows what. I know there is homeschooling...but neither of us is disciplined enough and I don't know enough to do that. I pray that my other two don't have to go thru any bullying. I know that Matt gets it a little from time to time...but he's more likely to push back..literally!!LOL
JM & I had some issues yesterday afternoon..which ended up lasting into last night...there was a lot of texting & then we ended up talking on the phone. Everything is good now. We understand each other better. I told him that I'm just me. I can't be anyone else. That sometimes I bring drama, I bitch about things that upset me (as you all know) and that I can be sarcastic. He has to be willing to accept the bad with the good or it's not going to work. We both agreed that we want this relationship to work. At one point, I told him that maybe it wasn't a good idea that I went down there next weekend for my birthday....but he said that he wants me there, that he loves spending time with me. Which, of course, made me feel good.
I was supposed to go to Colorado Springs tomorrow for a graduation, but not going to be able to make it...I just don't have the gas money.,.which sucks.
JM & I had some issues yesterday afternoon..which ended up lasting into last night...there was a lot of texting & then we ended up talking on the phone. Everything is good now. We understand each other better. I told him that I'm just me. I can't be anyone else. That sometimes I bring drama, I bitch about things that upset me (as you all know) and that I can be sarcastic. He has to be willing to accept the bad with the good or it's not going to work. We both agreed that we want this relationship to work. At one point, I told him that maybe it wasn't a good idea that I went down there next weekend for my birthday....but he said that he wants me there, that he loves spending time with me. Which, of course, made me feel good.
I was supposed to go to Colorado Springs tomorrow for a graduation, but not going to be able to make it...I just don't have the gas money.,.which sucks.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
First I want to thank Jules for your comment...it's nice to know that there are others out there who feel the way I do about bullying.:) I know a lot of people are just thinking that he just needs to "man up" and deal with it...ot that I'm babying him. We hear all the time about kids committing suicide because of bullying & I won't have Phillip be one of those kids. The principal wasn't in yesterday...the 2nd day of school & she's MIA? Dave left a nice little message on her machine...nothing too horrible...just basically saying that Phillip doesn't need this crap & that we're not going to stand by & let it happen. She was supposed to call him back, but she never did. Phillip didn't go to school yesterday.:( He totally refused. Dave & I both talked to him & told him that he's going to have to stand up for himself a bit & not just take it. I don't want him beating some kids' ass & really hurting someone...but he can defend himself & tell the kid to back off...though those aren't the words I used. They pick on him because they know (or think) that he won't do anything about it. They may just be surprised one of these days. He couldn't sleep last night, because he's stressing about school...it's ridiculous.
I went to the doctor yesterday...good news! Well...better than what I was thinking it was. He said that my lung just hasn't totally inflated back up yet...that sounds so gross...because of the pneumona...but that it wasn't scarred. Which is really good...though I'm not sure why one doctor would say it is scarred & the other one wouldn't? I'm supposed to have another chest x-ray in a month or so after I'm totally better & see how it is then. He thinks that, on top of the cold, that I probably have some allergies. He said cats are usually the main problem & asked if I had any. I have one inside & one outside cat. I hate to think that I may have to get rid of the inside cat...even though she isn't very friendly & never has been!LOL Matt is sad about it already...so not sure what I'm doing yet.
JM & I have been texting & talking some on the phone. We talked last night & all was good...except for towards the end. I felt that he was getting bored or something...saying "uh huh, yeah, etc." Basically what I do when I'm not really listening to someone. After we got off the phone, I texted him & asked him a question. I didn't think it was this big thing. Well he said that I "always" blow things our of proportion, that some of the things I say are bullshit & that if he said things "like that" that I would be bitching & complaining. WTF???! How did we get to that after we have been doing fine? I texted him back after that saying that I wasn't bitching or complaining, but he didn't text back. Whatever. All I had asked him was since we first met, if his feelings for me had grown or diminished. Is that a hard question? He said that he was too tired to get into a serious conversation & that he would answer it in the morning. He had just told me on the phone that he wasn't tired at all. So I told him that. Told him it wasn't that difficult of a question. Was I out of line? I didn't think so..but obviously he did. I feel that I have to censor everything I say anymore.
Dave & I would have been married 15 years today...so Happy Un-Anniversary" to me!!LOL
I went to the doctor yesterday...good news! Well...better than what I was thinking it was. He said that my lung just hasn't totally inflated back up yet...that sounds so gross...because of the pneumona...but that it wasn't scarred. Which is really good...though I'm not sure why one doctor would say it is scarred & the other one wouldn't? I'm supposed to have another chest x-ray in a month or so after I'm totally better & see how it is then. He thinks that, on top of the cold, that I probably have some allergies. He said cats are usually the main problem & asked if I had any. I have one inside & one outside cat. I hate to think that I may have to get rid of the inside cat...even though she isn't very friendly & never has been!LOL Matt is sad about it already...so not sure what I'm doing yet.
JM & I have been texting & talking some on the phone. We talked last night & all was good...except for towards the end. I felt that he was getting bored or something...saying "uh huh, yeah, etc." Basically what I do when I'm not really listening to someone. After we got off the phone, I texted him & asked him a question. I didn't think it was this big thing. Well he said that I "always" blow things our of proportion, that some of the things I say are bullshit & that if he said things "like that" that I would be bitching & complaining. WTF???! How did we get to that after we have been doing fine? I texted him back after that saying that I wasn't bitching or complaining, but he didn't text back. Whatever. All I had asked him was since we first met, if his feelings for me had grown or diminished. Is that a hard question? He said that he was too tired to get into a serious conversation & that he would answer it in the morning. He had just told me on the phone that he wasn't tired at all. So I told him that. Told him it wasn't that difficult of a question. Was I out of line? I didn't think so..but obviously he did. I feel that I have to censor everything I say anymore.
Dave & I would have been married 15 years today...so Happy Un-Anniversary" to me!!LOL
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
I'm getting so tired of Phillip getting picked on...it's every fucking year since he was in the 1st grade. He's 14 now...6 feet tall and a heavier kid...he could seriously beat some kids' ass...but he won't do it, because he knows he can hurt them if he really lost his temper..so he just takes it. Now he doesn't want to go to school!!! This is only the 2nd day!!! I don't know if I can handle another year of this, let alone 5 years. So guess Dave & I are going to see the principal today...though I don't really know why...they never do anything about it. They have an "anti-bullying" policy...really??? Couldn't prove it by me. Kids go to school to learn....it shouldn't matter what they look like, what they wear, etc. I was picked on too...but I made it thru. The only difference is...I had close friends...and he doesn't.:(
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
My weight loss...just depressing. I REALLY have to stay low carb..or I gain. As you can see from my weight on here. So annoying & frustrating. Especially since I don't have any money right now for low carb food. I have food around here...but most of it is full of carbs.:( I don't get paid again until the 31st. I have a few things that I can eat...but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hungry as hell. Will just have to wait & see how it goes. I have been exercising some as well...hoping that will help some. It should..even though I'm not working out for hours.
My son, Dominic, started Middle School yesterday. Then the other two started today. Only the 5th & 9th graders started yesterday...since they are "new" to their respective schools..they wanted to give them a day to get used to things & figure things out...they never did that for us back in the day!! They just threw us in with the sharks!!LOL Dominic had a really good day..I'm hoping that Phillip & Matt have a good day as well & like school. Phillip was a bit nervous..he gets picked on quite a bit..though he could kick some serious ass if pushed too much. I'm TRYING to call Matthew "Matt" since that's what he wants..but it's really hard for me!!LOL They grow up so fast!
I'm going to Colorado Springs this weekend...well maybe...it depends on if I have gas money or not. A girl I used to babysit for...Allison...is graduating from Automotive School. What every guy wants...a hot mechanic!!:) She was always such a girly girl, so it totally surprised me when she went for this...but I'm proud of her.:) I won't get to see JM this weekend...but going next weekend for my birthday!!:) My birthday is the 31st...I'm going up on the 30th, I think & staying until the 2nd or 3rd. I'm excited!!:) We are doing good. Though the issue has come up that he's a bit "nervous" because he's only 29 and I'm almost 43 & have 3 kids. But he knew that from the beginning...so not sure why he is freaking out now. Well he's not "freaking out," but just thinking about things. Hopefully it all works out...since I'm totally into him. It takes a lot to "put up" with me, but he is doing OK with that..though we have had some issues with my "attitude." So I'm trying to tone it down. I know that I bring a lot of drama...hell I cause a lot of drama....so trying to change that about myself..not easy..I have had drama in my life for years...I'm used to it. But I don't want to screw this up. So will do what I can.
I have the doctors' appt tomorrow afternoon..hopefully things go well. My mom wants to go with me...guess she doesn't believe that I will tell her everything.LOL I know that she's just concerned. Hell so am I...as you can see from my last post. I am trying to keep a positive attitude & hope for the best.
Moms' yardsale went OK..though she didn't do very well. I hate when people don't buy much after you go to all of that trouble. As I'm going thru things in my house now & trying to get it all cleaned up...I'm just going to start taking things to Good Will...yardsales are a serious waste of time unless you have stuff that will get you a lot of money...which I don't.
My mom & step-dad are going over to Grand Junction this weekend to see my sister, Cindy & her daughter Jasmine. Jasmine will be 2 on the 26th.:) I have only seen her one time...that was a year ago already!! Haven't talked to Cindy since then either.:( Long story...wish it was different though.
The weather has been beautiful here!! Not too hot...not too cold.
A girl I knew was killed in a car accident the other day.:( I didn't know her very well..worked with her at one time & saw her around..we would talk some. She was killed instantly. Some idiot was passing on a curve & hit her head on...her name was Heather. It's just sad.
My son, Dominic, started Middle School yesterday. Then the other two started today. Only the 5th & 9th graders started yesterday...since they are "new" to their respective schools..they wanted to give them a day to get used to things & figure things out...they never did that for us back in the day!! They just threw us in with the sharks!!LOL Dominic had a really good day..I'm hoping that Phillip & Matt have a good day as well & like school. Phillip was a bit nervous..he gets picked on quite a bit..though he could kick some serious ass if pushed too much. I'm TRYING to call Matthew "Matt" since that's what he wants..but it's really hard for me!!LOL They grow up so fast!
I'm going to Colorado Springs this weekend...well maybe...it depends on if I have gas money or not. A girl I used to babysit for...Allison...is graduating from Automotive School. What every guy wants...a hot mechanic!!:) She was always such a girly girl, so it totally surprised me when she went for this...but I'm proud of her.:) I won't get to see JM this weekend...but going next weekend for my birthday!!:) My birthday is the 31st...I'm going up on the 30th, I think & staying until the 2nd or 3rd. I'm excited!!:) We are doing good. Though the issue has come up that he's a bit "nervous" because he's only 29 and I'm almost 43 & have 3 kids. But he knew that from the beginning...so not sure why he is freaking out now. Well he's not "freaking out," but just thinking about things. Hopefully it all works out...since I'm totally into him. It takes a lot to "put up" with me, but he is doing OK with that..though we have had some issues with my "attitude." So I'm trying to tone it down. I know that I bring a lot of drama...hell I cause a lot of drama....so trying to change that about myself..not easy..I have had drama in my life for years...I'm used to it. But I don't want to screw this up. So will do what I can.
I have the doctors' appt tomorrow afternoon..hopefully things go well. My mom wants to go with me...guess she doesn't believe that I will tell her everything.LOL I know that she's just concerned. Hell so am I...as you can see from my last post. I am trying to keep a positive attitude & hope for the best.
Moms' yardsale went OK..though she didn't do very well. I hate when people don't buy much after you go to all of that trouble. As I'm going thru things in my house now & trying to get it all cleaned up...I'm just going to start taking things to Good Will...yardsales are a serious waste of time unless you have stuff that will get you a lot of money...which I don't.
My mom & step-dad are going over to Grand Junction this weekend to see my sister, Cindy & her daughter Jasmine. Jasmine will be 2 on the 26th.:) I have only seen her one time...that was a year ago already!! Haven't talked to Cindy since then either.:( Long story...wish it was different though.
The weather has been beautiful here!! Not too hot...not too cold.
A girl I knew was killed in a car accident the other day.:( I didn't know her very well..worked with her at one time & saw her around..we would talk some. She was killed instantly. Some idiot was passing on a curve & hit her head on...her name was Heather. It's just sad.
Monday, August 20, 2012
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Inappropriate Questions
1. Will you vote in the upcoming presidential election? Probably. Though I don't like any of them...so don't really know what the point is.
2. Do you say curse words? A LOT. Way more than I should. I really try not to on like Facebook or if I'm sending an e-mail..even to one of my friends. But in real life and in my blog...hell yeah I do.;)
3. Have you ever kissed a stranger? LOL...yes I did when I was younger. I was on a bus going to Wyoming and this cowboy was sitting next to me...we had a stop somewhere, so we got off the bus and talked some then...then when we got back on the bus...we did a bit of kissing..it was at night..so guess that wasn't as bad as it would have been during the day!!LOL Wish I remembered his name now!!
4. If you could choose to meet only one fellow blogger in person right now who would you choose? I would definitely say Tim in England. I love the guy! He's awesome...sweet, funny. Sorry if I'm embarrassing you Tim.;) If I had an unlimited amount of money...I would fly out today.:)
5. What is the most inappropriate pick-up line that anyone has ever used on you? I'm pretty sure that I have never had a guy use a pick up line on me before.:( Kinda sucks actually.
6. Do you sing in the shower? Nope...I do, however, sing in the car!!
7. How often do you get drunk? Not too often anymore. Though when I DO go out...I DRINK. What's the point of drinking if you're not going to get at least a little drunk??
8. Have you ever been fired from a job? No have never gotten fired...quit a few though...but I was young & stupid.:)
9. Were you popular in high school? I can definitely say HELL NO!!LOL Of course, it wasn't so funny then. I hated high school. I mean, I had my friends..but for the most part it was horrible and wouldn't want to do it again. I just hope my kids don't have to go thru what I did and I wasn't even that fat back then.:(
10. Who is your current celebrity crush? Channing Tatum, Chris Hemsworth.
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions. Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, friends!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
I had another chest x-ray done on the 13th...my doctor is only in on Mondays, Wednesdays & in the mornings on Fridays. Anyway, I called & left a message for his nurse on the 15th to see if they had the results, she called back & said that she didn't have it in front of her..so she would call me back the next day..she didn't. So I called Friday & she, of course, wasn't there. So I talked to another nurse & she said that there was still something there on my right lung. She said she would talk to the doctor she works for (I had seen him when I first got pneumonia)...and see what he wanted to do. So I thought I still had a bit of pneumonia. He called me & said that I didn't thave that...but that I have scarring on my right lung. He again asked if I smoked, if I had been around abestos (sp?), had asthma, etc. It was no to all of those. He told me to he was going to prescribe an inhaler & some more antibiotics. He also told me that he wanted me to call my regular doctor & get an appt for Monday..that it was important that I talk to my doctor about this, so he could monitor it. Whatever that means. So I called right back & the receptionist said that he didn't have any openings that day, I told her that the other doctor had said that it was important. So she said to call back on Monday morning & they would try to "fit me in." Gee..thanks. Otherwise, I have to wait until Wednesday afternoon. Of course, I was stupid & looked it up on the internet...it's not good. I hope it's not the scary thing I read about...but it does say that scarring on the lung can't be "fixed." Well....that's fine...but if it's this other thing...it can make me short of breath & it will just get worse over time..then it only gives the person who has it 5 years to live. I pray to God that that's NOT what I have. So if you pray...please pray that it's nothing serious. I was so freaked out that I started crying & had a hard time stopping. It's ridiculous, I know. I just have a fear of dying...but also I have a fear of not being able to breathe. I just want to be here for my kids...to see them grow up. I know that I get tired of life sometimes...but I still love life & want as many years as I can get. JM has been there for me & it's so nice being able to talk to him about it & at least feeling some comfort. Nobody knows what the future holds, but I know that we have to live life to the fullest every day & not take anything or anyone for granted.
Mom is having a yardsale in the morning...so I need to go down there early in the morning & see if I can help her out some. She puts too much pressure on herself to get everything done like right now. She doesn't feel good as it is & I think that she just pushes herself too hard.
My weight loss hasn't been going too great...have pretty much stayed the same this past week...which isn't bad, but not great either. I will just have to try a bit harder. I know that I can lose it.
Mom is having a yardsale in the morning...so I need to go down there early in the morning & see if I can help her out some. She puts too much pressure on herself to get everything done like right now. She doesn't feel good as it is & I think that she just pushes herself too hard.
My weight loss hasn't been going too great...have pretty much stayed the same this past week...which isn't bad, but not great either. I will just have to try a bit harder. I know that I can lose it.
Monday, August 13, 2012
This cold is seriously kicking my butt. You think that I would have started to feel better by now...but noooooo. I'm taking cold medicine & it seems to be barely touching it. My nose is still plugged up...which I hate...especially when I'm trying to sleep. I started exercising again a few days ago...but didn't yesterday...was going to this morning...but feel like crap. I WILL exercise sometime today. I just get tired of being sick...I have too much stuff to get done this week. I should already be out of the house by now...that was the plan...but not working out that way. First I'm going to eat something & have some coffee...maybe by then, I'll feel good enough to get my butt in gear & get this day started.
Dave & I talked some last night...he is going to try to move to Denver. He's a mess without Gracie. I don't know how she will feel about it..but hopefully they can work out whatever they need to work out. What a change from how I used to be, huh? He's miserable & life is too short to not be happy. I still don't like her & never will...she's snobby...but that's just the way it is...there are some people you meet in life that you just automatically know you're not going to get along with no matter what & she's one of mine. Anyway...he said he won't go for custody right now...that if I can "take care" of the kids, make the house payment, etc. then that's cool. But if there ever comes a time when I can't take care of them, then he will file. What kind of pisses me off...is he told me I had to get a job...OK...yes I KNOW I have to get a part-time job...but I don't like being told what to do & especially not by him. He also said that I couldn't quit that job or he would file. There seems to be a lot of ultimatums going on. He also brought up the fact that I'm "always sick." He asked me why I was sick all the time. Like I have control over having pneumonia & then this stupid cold. I have no idea why I have been so sick this Summer...I'm hoping that I will get better soon. Just take vitamins, exercise & try to be healthier. That's yet another thing he told me...that maybe I should exercise more so I wouldn't be sick all the time. He has no idea what I do or don't do. Just annoys me.
Dave & I talked some last night...he is going to try to move to Denver. He's a mess without Gracie. I don't know how she will feel about it..but hopefully they can work out whatever they need to work out. What a change from how I used to be, huh? He's miserable & life is too short to not be happy. I still don't like her & never will...she's snobby...but that's just the way it is...there are some people you meet in life that you just automatically know you're not going to get along with no matter what & she's one of mine. Anyway...he said he won't go for custody right now...that if I can "take care" of the kids, make the house payment, etc. then that's cool. But if there ever comes a time when I can't take care of them, then he will file. What kind of pisses me off...is he told me I had to get a job...OK...yes I KNOW I have to get a part-time job...but I don't like being told what to do & especially not by him. He also said that I couldn't quit that job or he would file. There seems to be a lot of ultimatums going on. He also brought up the fact that I'm "always sick." He asked me why I was sick all the time. Like I have control over having pneumonia & then this stupid cold. I have no idea why I have been so sick this Summer...I'm hoping that I will get better soon. Just take vitamins, exercise & try to be healthier. That's yet another thing he told me...that maybe I should exercise more so I wouldn't be sick all the time. He has no idea what I do or don't do. Just annoys me.
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
In the Kitchen
1. How often do you cook at home? I hate to cook!LOL So not very often. Of course, I have 3 boys so I have to cook something...but it's nothing very elaborate.
2. Do you eat more fresh produce, frozen or canned produce? I should eat more fresh produce & I have been trying to do that...but mostly it's canned.
3. What are a few unusual staples that can always be found in your kitchen? Nothing really unusual....guess I'll go with Atkins shakes.
4. Look in your fridge, then tell us about the healthiest thing in there. Oranges
5. Now share the most unhealthy thing in it. Mayo....I LOVE mayo!!:)
6. Do you eat leftovers? Sometimes, but not very often.
7. Do you use coupons at the supermarket? If I find some that I can actually use...and then remember where I put them....and then remember to take them with me!!LOL
8. How often do you try new recipes? I usually don't try new recipes
9. Do you make grocery lists? Do you stick to them? I sometimes make a grocery list if there is a lot of things that I need to get. I stick to it pretty well...I have learned NOT to go to the store hungry!!LOL
10. If you could buy one food item that would magically be calorie-free, which item would you choose? Peanut Butter Cookies!!
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions. Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, friends!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
OK first I just want to say I'M TIRED OF BEING SICK!!!! OK...needed to get that out of my system!LOL This is ridiculous. This cold is driving me crazy. You would think that I would start feeling better by now...or that I would be getting over it by now...but no. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever not be sick! I know that I just need to be patient...but sheesh. I need to get some things done today around the house, but mostly I'm just going to try to rest...because starting tomorrow...things will be hectic. I need to get the house cleaned up, get the kids registered for school, etc. Dominic starts school on the 20th..since he will be in the 5th grade (first year of middle school), they want to have that day just to get used to things, etc. Then the other two boys start school on the 21st. The Summer has gone by way too fast. Dominic is ready to go back to school...Phillip & Matthew...not so much. I hope that they will all have a good year with no problems with bullying, etc.
Daves' b-day was yesterday, so the boys were with him for most of the day. He is supposed to have them on weekends anyway..but they don't always want to stay with him the whole time. Dave was pretty depressed and said that it was the 2nd worst birthday he's ever had (the first...his dad passed away on his birthday in 2008). He came by the house yesterday morning, but I didn't answer the door. I was here by myself and I knew what he wanted. I texted him and told him I was in the shower and I would text him later. He said he just wanted to talk, so I told him that we could go get coffee somewhere. He didn't want to be that public..since he was pretty "down." So I met him out at the cemetery. Yes a bit weird..but private and I also wanted to go out there anyway since his dad has been gone for 4 years now. Anyway, he is totally messed up over Gracie. Says he can't sleep, he's not eating, he can't afford his diabetes medicine, feels nervous all the time, cries a lot, etc. I told him that he needs to maybe see a shrink, so he has someone to talk to. Him and Gracie are still texting some, but she doesn't feel the same. We always go back to the same old crap though...he blames me for guilting him into staying here instead of moving to Denver to be with Gracie....guess I'm guilty of that. I feel bad now that I see how upset he is. I just wanetd him to stay around here for the boys' sakes...but maybe that was wrong of me? I don't really think it was wrong, because the boys need him...but maybe I should have just let it go. Plus it took me a long time to get totally over him. I'm always saying that Karma is a bitch...but I don't like seeing anyone being miserable. Yet I still don't want anything to do with him really. I mean he wants to take my kids away from me. He says that he feels that they would be better off with him. He wants to move to Denver with them. That's why I think he just wants them for the child support money...there's no way he can move to Denver and get his own place unless he has more money. None of the boys want to live with him and I have told him that. Why put them thru even more stress than they have already been thru? Anyway, after talking about all of that crap...finally got to what he wanted in the first place...and why I hadn't answered the door before....he wanted to go back to the house for a booty call. I told him it wasn't going to happen...so he was pissed off about that. This is all a tiring thing.
JM....he got back from Seattle last night. So he called and we talked for awhile. One of his friends told him that he would have a job for him and a place to live if he wanted to move back to Seattle.:( But he told him that he was starting a life in Colorado right now...but he would keep that in mind. Then there was an issue with a girl up there that he had been seeing a few years ago and she wasn't "over him" or whatever. He told me what all went on....no they didn't do anything...but not for lack of trying on her part. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about all of that right now. The week he was up there has been an "eye opener."
As for my low carb diet and weight loss...I'm happy to say that I'm doing pretty good!!:) I also started exercising again on the 10th...doing some of the exercise DVD's I have. Feels good to be moving again.
Daves' b-day was yesterday, so the boys were with him for most of the day. He is supposed to have them on weekends anyway..but they don't always want to stay with him the whole time. Dave was pretty depressed and said that it was the 2nd worst birthday he's ever had (the first...his dad passed away on his birthday in 2008). He came by the house yesterday morning, but I didn't answer the door. I was here by myself and I knew what he wanted. I texted him and told him I was in the shower and I would text him later. He said he just wanted to talk, so I told him that we could go get coffee somewhere. He didn't want to be that public..since he was pretty "down." So I met him out at the cemetery. Yes a bit weird..but private and I also wanted to go out there anyway since his dad has been gone for 4 years now. Anyway, he is totally messed up over Gracie. Says he can't sleep, he's not eating, he can't afford his diabetes medicine, feels nervous all the time, cries a lot, etc. I told him that he needs to maybe see a shrink, so he has someone to talk to. Him and Gracie are still texting some, but she doesn't feel the same. We always go back to the same old crap though...he blames me for guilting him into staying here instead of moving to Denver to be with Gracie....guess I'm guilty of that. I feel bad now that I see how upset he is. I just wanetd him to stay around here for the boys' sakes...but maybe that was wrong of me? I don't really think it was wrong, because the boys need him...but maybe I should have just let it go. Plus it took me a long time to get totally over him. I'm always saying that Karma is a bitch...but I don't like seeing anyone being miserable. Yet I still don't want anything to do with him really. I mean he wants to take my kids away from me. He says that he feels that they would be better off with him. He wants to move to Denver with them. That's why I think he just wants them for the child support money...there's no way he can move to Denver and get his own place unless he has more money. None of the boys want to live with him and I have told him that. Why put them thru even more stress than they have already been thru? Anyway, after talking about all of that crap...finally got to what he wanted in the first place...and why I hadn't answered the door before....he wanted to go back to the house for a booty call. I told him it wasn't going to happen...so he was pissed off about that. This is all a tiring thing.
JM....he got back from Seattle last night. So he called and we talked for awhile. One of his friends told him that he would have a job for him and a place to live if he wanted to move back to Seattle.:( But he told him that he was starting a life in Colorado right now...but he would keep that in mind. Then there was an issue with a girl up there that he had been seeing a few years ago and she wasn't "over him" or whatever. He told me what all went on....no they didn't do anything...but not for lack of trying on her part. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about all of that right now. The week he was up there has been an "eye opener."
As for my low carb diet and weight loss...I'm happy to say that I'm doing pretty good!!:) I also started exercising again on the 10th...doing some of the exercise DVD's I have. Feels good to be moving again.
Friday, August 10, 2012
OK...I couldn't think of a better title today.LOL Yesterday, I took the boys to Colorado Springs to a place called "Itz." I had never been there before, but J, her husband & kids were going too..so I decided might as well try it...instead of going to the "North Pole," which is like an amusement park. "Itz" is a huge arcade game place...they also have a few rides. The kids had a blast! We were there for 5 hours!! I had to use Daves' car, which I don't think is the best idea, because like I said before, I need new tires on mine. If I take the kids anywhere out of town, he insists I take his car..which I totally understand...it's just weird. Anyway, we get done at the arcade and I go to start the car...and nothing. The battery was totally dead...thanks to me leaving the lights on!! They come on automatically, but I guess I had turned them on the "regular way" when I was using the turn signal at some point in time. Luckily, J & her family were still there, so he charged the battery for me. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful.
My step-dad went out of town a few days ago and bought a new truck...he already has two that they have a hard time paying for...my mom is NOT happy. I don't know what he was thinking. He may be older, but he still likes his toys...and spending money apparently. Mom tries to save money and he blows it...so they are having some issues.
I've been doing pretty good on the low carb diet.:) I'm proud of myself.:) Some moments are harder than others...but I have made it thru. I just need to add some exercise now.
My sister Bev went flew to Florida yesterday with her fiancee to meet his dad. I think that's cool that she was able to do that.:) She doesn't get to go to many places...always seems to be working. I hardly ever see her...which sucks considering we live in the same town.
As for JM...I decided to just use his initials from now on...not sure if I will go back thru my other posts and change it or not...LOL...is in Seattle this week. He had some things to do up there and has been having a good time with his friends. He really doesn't like Colorado...so not sure if he will decide to move back up there soon or not. I, of course, would like him to stay in Colorado for obvious reasons...but you can't make someone do anything. Yes, I'm slowly learning that!LOL There have been some issues...but I'm trying to work on myself and also figure out what it is exactly that he wants. I don't even know anymore. It seems like I say a lot of the "wrong" things these days.
I try not to talk to Dave much. I can't even believe he is going for custody. We were talking the other day (when I got the car) and I told him that I hadn't even wanted to ask him to use the car, because I would have to talk to him. He says "you hate me that much?" Like I wouldn't or something. I told him "yeah pretty much." I mean, he's threatening to take my kids from me. That doesn't exactly make him very popular.
My step-dad went out of town a few days ago and bought a new truck...he already has two that they have a hard time paying for...my mom is NOT happy. I don't know what he was thinking. He may be older, but he still likes his toys...and spending money apparently. Mom tries to save money and he blows it...so they are having some issues.
I've been doing pretty good on the low carb diet.:) I'm proud of myself.:) Some moments are harder than others...but I have made it thru. I just need to add some exercise now.
My sister Bev went flew to Florida yesterday with her fiancee to meet his dad. I think that's cool that she was able to do that.:) She doesn't get to go to many places...always seems to be working. I hardly ever see her...which sucks considering we live in the same town.
As for JM...I decided to just use his initials from now on...not sure if I will go back thru my other posts and change it or not...LOL...is in Seattle this week. He had some things to do up there and has been having a good time with his friends. He really doesn't like Colorado...so not sure if he will decide to move back up there soon or not. I, of course, would like him to stay in Colorado for obvious reasons...but you can't make someone do anything. Yes, I'm slowly learning that!LOL There have been some issues...but I'm trying to work on myself and also figure out what it is exactly that he wants. I don't even know anymore. It seems like I say a lot of the "wrong" things these days.
I try not to talk to Dave much. I can't even believe he is going for custody. We were talking the other day (when I got the car) and I told him that I hadn't even wanted to ask him to use the car, because I would have to talk to him. He says "you hate me that much?" Like I wouldn't or something. I told him "yeah pretty much." I mean, he's threatening to take my kids from me. That doesn't exactly make him very popular.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Saturday afternoon...the boys went to the mountains to go 4-wheeling with my step-dad, ex brother-in-law, Tad and his friend Andy. They had a blast! Mom and I went up later and they actually got me on one of those things...though I did ride with Tad..didn't feel like totally making a fool out of myself!LOL It was the first time I had ever been on one...it was actually pretty fun. I love being in the mountains and just being able to get away.
Then on Sunday, I went down to Canon City to hang out with my friend, Tracy. We drove to Pueblo to go see the movie "Magic Mike." OK....I was really looking forward to this movie...but it wasn't all that great. The only thing that saved it, in my opinion, was Channing Tatum (he is beyond hot!). It was a bit of a disappointment.:( Then we went to lunch at a Chinese Buffet...it was OK, but I'm not really into Chinese food...but she likes it, so I didn't say anything,LOL That's the way it usually goes...just keep my mouth shut if it makes someone else happy. I didn't stick to low carb that day.:( I had popcorn at the movie (it's a must), then a few other things throughout the day. I was "good" yesterday, but my weight is about the same or up some. I hate that. I dread weighing tomorrow. I wonder if it's the sausage I'm eating...they say to be careful of processed meats like that..since they do have some sugar in them. That's all I like having for breakfast though. Or maybe it's the protein drink that I have in replacement of one of my meals? I really don't know. I know I need to exercise more. Just haven't had the energy...yes it was a cold and not allergies. I'm like."really?! I just got over pneumonia and NOW I have a cold???!" I'm hoping that I get totally well soon. This is getting to be ridiculous. Anyway..about the working out...I'm really going to try to ger some exercise in every day.
Last night...Dave dropped Dominic off at moms' (since that's where I was). He was all sad and depressed, because Gracie hardly texts him anymore. Says that all he has now is the boys. Sounds like what I used to say when he left me. I DO feel bad for him..can you believe that?? I don't like to see anyone being sad. But he left me for her and didn't give a crap about how I felt or how our kids felt...so why should I even care? Then he's like "I want to talk about something and I don't want you to get mad." I knew then, that it wasn't going to be good...remember how I said that there are always good things or bad things in August more than any other time of the year for me? Well he goes "I think the boys would be better off with me and I plan on filing for custody." I"m like WTF??!! It's NOT going to happen! I love my kids. I don't even know how he could think about taking them away from me! He has said over and over again that he wouldn't do that to me. That he knows how much I love them. He would move them to Denver and I could see them when I wanted. I don't want to 'visit' my kids! They belong with me. If you ask them, they would say they want to live with me. No doubt. But will the judge see that it's better if they're with me instead of him? I don't know. Then he goes "I don't have the money to file right now, but I'll let you know when I do." So now I have to WAIT to see what he's going to do?? You know what I think? He needs money to pay off all of his debt. So, this way, he doesn't have to pay child support and he would have all that extra money..he could pay things off faster. He is so messed up over Gracie..that he thinks that if he tells her that he has the kids and extra money, that she will take him back. I don't think it's that easy. I think she's over him. I really don't know. All I know is that he's NOT taking my kids away from me! People want to see crazy...that would probably push me over the edge. I can't imagine my life without my boys.;(
Then on Sunday, I went down to Canon City to hang out with my friend, Tracy. We drove to Pueblo to go see the movie "Magic Mike." OK....I was really looking forward to this movie...but it wasn't all that great. The only thing that saved it, in my opinion, was Channing Tatum (he is beyond hot!). It was a bit of a disappointment.:( Then we went to lunch at a Chinese Buffet...it was OK, but I'm not really into Chinese food...but she likes it, so I didn't say anything,LOL That's the way it usually goes...just keep my mouth shut if it makes someone else happy. I didn't stick to low carb that day.:( I had popcorn at the movie (it's a must), then a few other things throughout the day. I was "good" yesterday, but my weight is about the same or up some. I hate that. I dread weighing tomorrow. I wonder if it's the sausage I'm eating...they say to be careful of processed meats like that..since they do have some sugar in them. That's all I like having for breakfast though. Or maybe it's the protein drink that I have in replacement of one of my meals? I really don't know. I know I need to exercise more. Just haven't had the energy...yes it was a cold and not allergies. I'm like."really?! I just got over pneumonia and NOW I have a cold???!" I'm hoping that I get totally well soon. This is getting to be ridiculous. Anyway..about the working out...I'm really going to try to ger some exercise in every day.
Last night...Dave dropped Dominic off at moms' (since that's where I was). He was all sad and depressed, because Gracie hardly texts him anymore. Says that all he has now is the boys. Sounds like what I used to say when he left me. I DO feel bad for him..can you believe that?? I don't like to see anyone being sad. But he left me for her and didn't give a crap about how I felt or how our kids felt...so why should I even care? Then he's like "I want to talk about something and I don't want you to get mad." I knew then, that it wasn't going to be good...remember how I said that there are always good things or bad things in August more than any other time of the year for me? Well he goes "I think the boys would be better off with me and I plan on filing for custody." I"m like WTF??!! It's NOT going to happen! I love my kids. I don't even know how he could think about taking them away from me! He has said over and over again that he wouldn't do that to me. That he knows how much I love them. He would move them to Denver and I could see them when I wanted. I don't want to 'visit' my kids! They belong with me. If you ask them, they would say they want to live with me. No doubt. But will the judge see that it's better if they're with me instead of him? I don't know. Then he goes "I don't have the money to file right now, but I'll let you know when I do." So now I have to WAIT to see what he's going to do?? You know what I think? He needs money to pay off all of his debt. So, this way, he doesn't have to pay child support and he would have all that extra money..he could pay things off faster. He is so messed up over Gracie..that he thinks that if he tells her that he has the kids and extra money, that she will take him back. I don't think it's that easy. I think she's over him. I really don't know. All I know is that he's NOT taking my kids away from me! People want to see crazy...that would probably push me over the edge. I can't imagine my life without my boys.;(
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
A Little More Personal
1. Are you a morning person? NO.lol I have never been a morning person..not sure how I made it thru school! My kids aren't morning people either...so the school year kicks our butts.
2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I'm more of an introvert. I try to be more of an extrovert...but it's work for me.
3. Are you addicted to anything? If so, what? Food for one thing. I hate obsessing about it all of the time...what to eat, should I eat, when to eat, etc. It gets tiring. Also if I let myself...gambling. But I have been doing better with that and it doesn't have such a hold on me.
4. How many times have you been in love? To be honest...I don't know. Sometime you may think you're in love, but you're really not. I would have to say...3x...including now.
5. What is your position on politics? I don't usually talk about politics. I have my opinions, but mostly keep them to myself.
6. Are you religious? No I'm not religious. I believe in God..I believe that there is something after this life. Otherwise, what would be the point of all of this?? So I prefer to believe. I don't go to church. I consider myself more "spiritual" than religious.
7. Would you prefer backpacking or a luxury hotel? A luxury hotel for sure!!LOL I'm way to big to be backpacking anywhere.
8. Do you have/want pets? I have two cats...one is black..named Willow and then I have a calico named Joker. I wasn't going to have any more pets...but my niece wanted me to take care of each of these, because with Willow, she was still living with my mom and she didn't want pets there..so I became the new owner..then with Joker, I was just supposed to keep her until she got her own place (this was a couple of years later)..well she lives with her bf and his parents and she couldn't keep her there, so asked me to take care of her for awhile...well we have had her for a year now!!LOL
9. Are you a sports fan? A little bit. I like watching pro football. The Saints are my team.:)
10. How often do you brush your teeth? Once or twice a day.
11. Do you have tattoos and/or piercings? I have my ears pierced once in each...then I have a tattoo on my left forearm that I got in February 2012...I may get more eventually. I had wanted one for awhile, but was too chicken to get one!LOL
12. What’s your favorite clothing brand? It doesn't even matter...as long as it fits me and looks good, I'm happy. LOL
13. Should a man open doors for a woman? Yes
14. Which season is your favorite? All the seasons have good and bad things about them. But my fave is Autumn...I love the changing of the leaves, the crispness in the air..it gets cooler after a hot Summer. My fave time of year is August-December.:)
15. Would you rather eat less or workout more? I suck at both. I would like to eat less..but even when I do, I don't seem to lose that much weight. Working out..that takes energy..which I seem to be lacking...but I would have to say workout more.
16. What’s your idea of romance? To be able to just cuddle, talk about anything, watch movies together and all the other good stuff.:)
17. How often do you do things that are outside of your comfort zone? I hate to say...not very often.:) I need to more...but I just find it very hard to do.
18. Christmas or Halloween? Definitely Christmas! I love the Holidays...even though I sometimes get stressed out about money, etc. I love sending out Christmas cards, getting cards, hearing Christmas music whereever you go...just reminds me of my childhood and the feelings of happiness and security.
19. Would you rather live in the country or the city? I like cities..because there is so much to do and see...but I have a hard time dealing with all of the people. So I would have to say country.
20. Share your life philosophy. I don't know if I have a life philosphy.LOL I just try to do the best I can every day and try to be the person that I was meant to be. To not judge anyone else, because we are all on a journey and I don't know theirs and have no right to say if what they are doing is right or wrong, just like they don't have the right to say if what I choose to do is right or wrong.
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, Friends!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Not much going on today. It's nice and sunny out..not sure how hot it is..haven't been out yet. The boys went to the mountains with my step-dad and a couple of friends to go 4-wheeling. I hope they'll be safe. I'm surprised that Dominic wanted to go! He has his "routines" and doesn't like them interrupted or changed. So I'm proud of him.:) I hope they have fun.
As for me...I thought I just had allergies..and it may still be all it is...but my throat is killing me now and my sinsues aren't the best...I'm like REALLY??! Hopefully, if it is a cold, that it will go away soon. I have things to do!!:) School starts on the 22nd..I thought it was the 20th, but it's not. I'm planning on taking the kids to this amusement park called the "North Pole" next week. It's by Colorado Springs. We might meet J & her family there as her hubby will be home that week. The kids are excited. I asked Jeff to go and he was going to, but him and his mom are going back to Seattle next week to get some more stuff and sign some papers for some legal things. It sucks, but I understand. Then go by the mall and get Phillip some shirts from this cool place in there that has shirts big enough for him, but that are also directed more towards teenagers. Other than that...I think that's about all we'll do this month. I wanted to go to Grand Junction for my nieces' 2nd b-day, but we may just have to go over there for a weekend in September.
I went for coffee with my guy friend, Randy, yesterday. I went to school with him from Kindergarten-10th grade. We weren't really friends then..he was so quiet and shy. But we started talking some on FB...and I had gone to his moms' funeral last November (before we started talking on FB). He's now the main caregiver for his dad, so he doesn't get out much as that's a full-time job. It was cool being able to talk to him. I told him we can hang out whenever he needs a break. Just a friend thing.
Then went out to dinner last night with J and ALL 6 of our kids! That was interesting, but didn't turn out too bad.LOL I DID eat some carbs..but am back on track today...so hopefully the weigh-in tomorrow won't be too crazy. I so want to be below 306 at least.
I'm not doing much today...have to clean the house some...which everyone knows how much I love...NOT!! But gonna find something to eat for lunch first and then who knows. I know that there will be some TV watching involved though.:) Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
As for me...I thought I just had allergies..and it may still be all it is...but my throat is killing me now and my sinsues aren't the best...I'm like REALLY??! Hopefully, if it is a cold, that it will go away soon. I have things to do!!:) School starts on the 22nd..I thought it was the 20th, but it's not. I'm planning on taking the kids to this amusement park called the "North Pole" next week. It's by Colorado Springs. We might meet J & her family there as her hubby will be home that week. The kids are excited. I asked Jeff to go and he was going to, but him and his mom are going back to Seattle next week to get some more stuff and sign some papers for some legal things. It sucks, but I understand. Then go by the mall and get Phillip some shirts from this cool place in there that has shirts big enough for him, but that are also directed more towards teenagers. Other than that...I think that's about all we'll do this month. I wanted to go to Grand Junction for my nieces' 2nd b-day, but we may just have to go over there for a weekend in September.
I went for coffee with my guy friend, Randy, yesterday. I went to school with him from Kindergarten-10th grade. We weren't really friends then..he was so quiet and shy. But we started talking some on FB...and I had gone to his moms' funeral last November (before we started talking on FB). He's now the main caregiver for his dad, so he doesn't get out much as that's a full-time job. It was cool being able to talk to him. I told him we can hang out whenever he needs a break. Just a friend thing.
Then went out to dinner last night with J and ALL 6 of our kids! That was interesting, but didn't turn out too bad.LOL I DID eat some carbs..but am back on track today...so hopefully the weigh-in tomorrow won't be too crazy. I so want to be below 306 at least.
I'm not doing much today...have to clean the house some...which everyone knows how much I love...NOT!! But gonna find something to eat for lunch first and then who knows. I know that there will be some TV watching involved though.:) Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Friday, August 3, 2012
I have decided I'm going to put my weight on here every 3 days...at least for the month of August...instead of once a week. That way, I will have a record that I can actually see any progress...once a week just isn't enough for me right now. I have been doing low carb for 5 days now...well it's the 5th day. I'm doing OK. I had a bad moment last night when I went to my moms' and she had donuts!! But I was able to control myself.:) That's a major thing. Now if I can just keep it up!! Some moments are harder than others. I'm supposed to go out to dinner with J and our kids tonight....that will be the real test.
Moms' cat, Melinko, died on July 28th.:( It's very sad to lose a pet.
I just get over pneumonia...now it feels like I'm getting a cold...geez. I'm afraid of what will happen in the Winter!!LOL I just started taking vitamins yesterday, so maybe that will help.
Thank you for your comments.:) I'm glad that you read my blog. It was brought to my attention, that it was hard to read when the writing was in blue...I didn't even think about it...so now it's white.:)
JM & I are doing good at the moment. See...I'm not obsessing.LOL
I started taking my anti-depressant again a couple of days ago. I knew that I had to do something...so I'm on Cymbalta again. Will see how it goes.
I'm going to Pueblo on Sunday with my friend Tracy to see "Magic Mike.":) We were going to go last month.....but wasn't able to. I have looked forward to seeing that!! WOO HOO!LOL Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Moms' cat, Melinko, died on July 28th.:( It's very sad to lose a pet.
I just get over pneumonia...now it feels like I'm getting a cold...geez. I'm afraid of what will happen in the Winter!!LOL I just started taking vitamins yesterday, so maybe that will help.
Thank you for your comments.:) I'm glad that you read my blog. It was brought to my attention, that it was hard to read when the writing was in blue...I didn't even think about it...so now it's white.:)
JM & I are doing good at the moment. See...I'm not obsessing.LOL
I started taking my anti-depressant again a couple of days ago. I knew that I had to do something...so I'm on Cymbalta again. Will see how it goes.
I'm going to Pueblo on Sunday with my friend Tracy to see "Magic Mike.":) We were going to go last month.....but wasn't able to. I have looked forward to seeing that!! WOO HOO!LOL Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Monday Randomness!
Maybe I should be sleeping...I'm always up too late..,then tired during the day.
I love my kids & my family
People would say that I’m a worrier, obsessive, funny, talk too much, crazy
I don’t understand why horrible things are allowed to happen (such as the shooting in Aurora)
When I wake up in the morning I have to make myself get out of bed and start another day
I lost some people in my life that I wish I hadn't
Life is full of craziness...but a lot of happiness as well.
My past is full of fun times and lessons learned
I get annoyed when people don't do what they say they're going to do.
Parties are fun, but I haven't been to one in awhile.
I wish I had more energy
Dogs are OK..,.but I don't want one
Birds are awesome...love listening to them
Tomorrow I’ll be taking my oldest son out for breakfast.
I have low tolerance for people who lie to me
I’m totally terrified of getting old
I wonder why I can't just "go with the flow"
Never in my life have I skied (sp?) even though I live like 24 miles from a ski area!!
High school was a friggin' nightmare that I wouldn't want to do again...unless I could be one of the thin, beautiful girls.
When I’m nervous I sometimes laugh..which isn't always good.
One time at a family gathering I had taken some Tylenol with Codeine for some pain...and slept thru the whole thing.
Take my advice: Live in the moment and try not to worry about anything else....know that you're where you're meant to be.
Making my bed isn't a priority
I’m almost always overthinking everything
I’m addicted to reality TV
I want someone to be there for me and show me that they want to be in my life and how much I mean to them.
I love my kids & my family
People would say that I’m a worrier, obsessive, funny, talk too much, crazy
I don’t understand why horrible things are allowed to happen (such as the shooting in Aurora)
When I wake up in the morning I have to make myself get out of bed and start another day
I lost
Life is full of craziness...but a lot of happiness as well.
My past is full of fun times and lessons learned
I get annoyed when people don't do what they say they're going to do.
Parties are fun, but I haven't been to one in awhile.
I wish I had more energy
Dogs are OK..,.but I don't want one
Birds are awesome...love listening to them
Tomorrow I’ll be taking my oldest son out for breakfast.
I have low tolerance for people who lie to me
I’m totally terrified of getting old
I wonder why I can't just "go with the flow"
Never in my life have I skied (sp?) even though I live like 24 miles from a ski area!!
High school was a friggin' nightmare that I wouldn't want to do again...unless I could be one of the thin, beautiful girls.
When I’m nervous I sometimes laugh..which isn't always good.
One time at a family gathering I had taken some Tylenol with Codeine for some pain...and slept thru the whole thing.
Take my advice: Live in the moment and try not to worry about anything else....know that you're where you're meant to be.
Making my bed isn't a priority
I’m almost always overthinking everything
I’m addicted to reality TV
I want someone to be there for me and show me that they want to be in my life and how much I mean to them.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Timothy...thank you for this idea.:) Though it's not as cool as yours..I decided to just do my own thing. Love ya!!
1. Tombstone
2. Top Gun
3. Dirty Dancing
4. The Proposal
5, The Lake House
6. Sixteen Candles
7. The Breakfast Club
8. Armageddon
9. ConAir
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Footloose
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Angel
3. Charmed
4. Medium
5. Growing Pains
6. The Waltons
7. Little House on the Prairie
8. Ghost Whisperer
9. Love Boat
10. Fantasy Island
11, Falcon Crest
1. Blue Bloods
2. Bones
3. Body of Proof
4. NCIS: Los Angeles
5. Warehouse 13
6. Supernatural
7. Army Wives
8. Drop Dead Diva
9. Rookie Blue
10. The Walking Dead
11. Person of Interest
1. Keeping Up With The Kardashians
2. The Biggest Loser
3. Dance Moms
4. Bachelor Pad
5. America's Next Top Model
6. Jerseylicious
7. Storage Wars
8. Operation Repo
9. Long Island Medium
10. The Dead Files
11. Haunted Collector
1. Nickelback
2. Creed
3. Goo Goo Dolls
4. The Fray
5. Five for Fighting
7. B.o.B
8. Def Leppard
9. Hinder
10. Kelly Clarkson
11. Kings of Leon
1. Jake Owen
2. Luke Bryan
3. Jason Aldean
4. Tim McGraw
5. George Strait
6. Alabama
7. Gary Allan
8. Alan Jackson
9. Kenny Chesney
10. Diamond Rio
11. David Nail
1. Tombstone
2. Top Gun
3. Dirty Dancing
4. The Proposal
5, The Lake House
6. Sixteen Candles
7. The Breakfast Club
8. Armageddon
9. ConAir
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Footloose
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Angel
3. Charmed
4. Medium
5. Growing Pains
6. The Waltons
7. Little House on the Prairie
8. Ghost Whisperer
9. Love Boat
10. Fantasy Island
11, Falcon Crest
1. Blue Bloods
2. Bones
3. Body of Proof
4. NCIS: Los Angeles
5. Warehouse 13
6. Supernatural
7. Army Wives
8. Drop Dead Diva
9. Rookie Blue
10. The Walking Dead
11. Person of Interest
1. Keeping Up With The Kardashians
2. The Biggest Loser
3. Dance Moms
4. Bachelor Pad
5. America's Next Top Model
6. Jerseylicious
7. Storage Wars
8. Operation Repo
9. Long Island Medium
10. The Dead Files
11. Haunted Collector
1. Nickelback
2. Creed
3. Goo Goo Dolls
4. The Fray
5. Five for Fighting
7. B.o.B
8. Def Leppard
9. Hinder
10. Kelly Clarkson
11. Kings of Leon
1. Jake Owen
2. Luke Bryan
3. Jason Aldean
4. Tim McGraw
5. George Strait
6. Alabama
7. Gary Allan
8. Alan Jackson
9. Kenny Chesney
10. Diamond Rio
11. David Nail
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