If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: Dating
1. What is your current relationship status? (Be as specific as you’d like to be!) I talk to a few guys on-line and hang out with a few around here...but I'm single. Though a guy in California is coming on pretty strong..will just have to wait and see.
2. List a few qualities that you look for in a significant other. A nice smile, nice eyes, kind, honest, loyal, can carry on a conversation, sense of humor is a must
3. If you could choose to date one character in TV or film, who would you choose? And which characteristics are most appealing? "Marty Deeks" on NCIS: Los Angeles. He is sooooo cute, hot, sweet, charming, funny....love his smile, his eyes. *SIGH*
4. How long should you date before becoming exclusive? One date.LOL Just kidding. You can't really put a time line on this. It depends on the people involved and the circumstances.
5. What are your thoughts on public displays of affection? Holding hands is cool...hugging is fine. Even a kiss here and there. But making out in front of a bunch of people isn't my thing...though I hear some people like doing that and others like watching!!LOL
6. How has what you want in a mate changed throughout your life? When I was younger...as long as he paid attention to me and liked me, I wasn't that picky. Pathetic I know. Liked the "bad boys" the best. The worse they treated me, the more I wanted them. A very sick thing. Now I know what I want and don't want and what I need and don't need. Also I won't put up with half the stuff that I would have put up with before..any verbal, physical or emotional abuse and he's out after the first time he does it. I want a guy now who has a job, a car, his own place and who offers to take me places and actually pay for it. Back in the day...those things weren't mandatory (though they should have been).
7. Do you kiss on the first date? Totally depends on the chemistry & if both of you are feeling it.
8. Would you date someone shorter than you? I prefer guys taller than me. I'm 5'9. I don't want to feel like an Amazon...but if he was cute, sweet and I liked him, I would give a shorter guy a chance.
9. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Definitely his smile. If he has bad teeth..that's a major turn off.
10. Is it important to be friends first? It would be nice..though it doesn't always happen that way. I think the ones that last are the ones that start out as friends first though.
11. How long should you wait before becoming intimate? Same as on the kissing...it depends on how the people are feeling & what they both want. I would like to say that I have never become "intimate" on the first date...but I have. I WOULD advise to wait til at the least the 3rd or 4th date at least though. By then, you can tell if they're really interested or not in you as a person and not just as a booty call.
12. Do you prefer to date older or younger? My ex husband is the same age as me..but I have always dated younger. I may date someone who is up to 5 years older than me...but would depend on the person.
13. Biggest turn-on? A sense of humor, a nice smile...amongst other things..that's all I'm gonna say.LOL
14. Biggest turn-off? Bad teeth, body odor,
15. Describe your dream date. A picnic in the mountains is always nice. Sometimes, I like to get dressed up and go out to a nice restaurant. But either way...a walk under the stars at some point needs to be included.:)