- Are you young at heart, or an old soul? This is a hard question to answer...because I think I'm a little of both. I feel young inside (well younger than I am anyway), but I also believe that I have been here a few times before.
- What makes someone a best friend? They love you for who you are...no matter how crazy or unloveable you may be at times.
- What Christmas (or Hanukkah) present do you remember the most? I got a 10 speed bike when I was a freshman in High School. Loved that thing!:)
- Tell me about a movie/song/tv show/play/book that has changed your life. I don't know if anything like that has really changed my life...but I do love Sylvia Brownes' books. She helps me to realize that this isn't all there is and that we're all learning lessons here on Earth.
- Name one physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you dislike. I like my eyes...they're green, but can sometimes look grey. People comment on them a lot. I don't like how much I weigh...my stomach is too big..so working on that.
- Would you like to reconnect with any friends you’ve lost contact with? Yes there are a few that would love to talk to again.
- What’s more important in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection? Without physical attraction, you're just friends (I stole that answer because it's true!)LOL But I need an emotional connection big time as well.
- Name a movie that you knew would be terrible just from reading the title. Had a hard time thinking of this one...but "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" with Johnny Depp. I love Johnny...but nothing can compare to the original and this one was just plain weird.
- What holiday do you most look forward to? Christmas
- How is the relationship between you and your parents? My dad passed away in January 2001...we had an OK relationship...wish we would have talked about things more. My mom and I get along really well and I see her most every day. We have our issues though.
- You’ve got the TV on, but you’re not really watching. What channel is the TV on? ID
- Name a song that never fails to make you happy. Kokomo...LOVE that song! Reminds me of when I was younger and I LOVED the movie "Cocktail!"
- You know at least one person named Michael. Tell me about him. I know a few of them...though have never dated any. So will tell you about my cousin, Michael. He is a cool guy..but had ADD (guess still does) as a child, but back then..he was just "hyper." So, at the time, I thought he was a pain in the butt.LOL
- Have you ever read the “missed connections” on Craigslist? Have you ever posted one, or wanted to? I have read the personals on Craigslist before and even posted on there!LOL There are some weird people out there! But have met a friend or two that way. I have read "missed connections," but have never felt the need to post on that one...didn't think it would be worth my time.
- If you could pick anywhere to live the rest of your life, where would it be? Maybe Ireland..have always wanted to go there...but a cabin the mountains sounds really nice too.
- Can money buy happiness? I don't think it can buy happiness...but can give you peace of mind..not having to worry about bills, food, etc. Plus would rather get over my sadness at a beautiful resort in the Bahamas, then here at home!!!LOL
- Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Why, or why not? Yes I drink when I go out..which isn't often anymore...but when I drink, I drink to get drunk! I used to drink Tequila Sunrises (Tequila & OJ), but now I love Frozen Strawberry Margaritas or Screwdrivers (Vodka & OJ). I don't smoke..though I tried it when I was a teenager and didn't see what the big deal was. I have smoked pot before. I never did the "harder" drugs, because I was too scared too...with my luck, it would have killed me the first time.
- Is there anyone close to you that you know you can’t trust? You don’t have to give names. Yeah quite a few unfortunately
- Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid? Elitches (amusement park) in Denver, CO
- Have you ever spent a night in the hospital? Yes numerous times.
- Do you enjoy being with only one or two friends, or with a large group of people? It depends on my mood...sometimes I just like to relax and chill out..so a couple of friends is cool..other times, I want to have more fun..so like to be around a lot of other people.
- Do you like the type of music your parents listen to? Do your parents like the type of music you listen to? Yeah I like the music that my mom listens to...she listens to country mostly...Alan Jackson is her favorite..she had also loved Elvis and I like listening to him as well. No, I don't think she really likes the music I listen to, other than country.
- Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied anyone else? Yes I have been bullied and was too shy and insecure back then to do anything about it. Mostly because of my weight. I have tried NOT to bully anyone ever..and I hope that I succeeded.
- If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Crisp Bacon!! I love the stuff! As long as someone else cooks it for me!!LOL
- If your partner wanted to wait until marriage before having sex, would you stay in that relationship? Probably not. I know that I SHOULD..but I'm not going to marry someone just to have sex with them. Then what if you DID get married without having sex first and it sucked?
- Do you believe in a god? Yes I do. I think that there is something more than us. If there wasn't...well then all of this would be meaningless and I prefer not to believe that I'm just here for "the hell of it." I WANT it to have some meaning.
- Of all the social networks in the world, why use twitter? I have a Twitter account, but never use it. I just think it's going overboard..Facebook can do the same as Twitter..but at least it's more interesting. Twitter is just way too boring for me.
- What’s your favorite hashtag to track? Have no idea what this means!
- Would you call yourself/your family “middle class?” No...I would have to say lower class..unfortunately.
- Name a TV series you didn’t enjoy until after it ended. There are a few...Quantam Leap, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Cold Case. Without a Trace
- Have you ever bought a product from an infomercial? No, but have thought about it...but I don't need more junk!!
- If you could give up your car and never have to drive again, would you? No. I like being able to go places when I want to. Now if I had a chauffeur..that would be different!!LOL
- If you go back to one point in time to give advice to yourself, when would you go and what would you say? Not too long after I had my oldest...I would have told myself to tell my ex NOT to move back to our hometown. It seemed like a good idea at the time..to be around our families..but we might still be together, if we would have just stayed away and visted every now and then.
- What’s your “quirkiest” habit? It's more OCD than anything else.LOL Have to spell out words in my head sometimes to see how many letters are in them and hate it when it's not even (I know..weird). Before I mail a letter, I have to check the address about a zillion times to make sure it's "right."
- What is “normal?” Are you normal? I don't even know what "normal" is. I think that it's when you're boring and just go along with whatever everyone else is doing or saying. No I'm not normal. I like doing things my way and I don't need to follow everyone else..though I used to be a follower when I was a kid.
- Someone close to you is dying. You have the choice to let this person live for 10 more years, but if you do, you cause the death of 10 strangers. You don’t have to see them die. Do you take the offer? Then in 10 years, you will be in the same position again..I think that when it's someones' time to go, then it's time to go. I wouldn't want to be the reason that 10 other people died..whether I knew them or not. I'm sure that the person dying wouldn't want that either. Though it would be hard to decide if it was one of my kids.
- What is one thing you could never forgive? If you don't forgive..it will drive you crazy..but forgetting is a whole different story. I may have eventually "forgiven" by ex for leaving me, but I will never forget the hell he put me and our kids thru.
- Would you rather be in a relationship after the honeymoon period ends, or be single? I can say that I HATE being single. The honeymoon period isn't going to last forever and the couple should know that...so I would rather be with someone I loved and who I knew had my back, then to be single.
- Is it possible for guys and girls to be just friends? I'm not sure. I have tried to be "just friends" with some guys..but then get feelings for them..and they usually don't have them back..which is hard. So I don't really think so.
- Where do you and your friends go to hang out? I don't have that many friends around here anymore..but the one I do have..we hang out at the park a lot with our kids.
- Write the first sentence of your obituary. Tammy Lynn Vigil, 85, died in her sleep having an awesome dream about being on a beach in Mexico..white sand under her feet and a drink with an umbrella in her hand.;)
- What is the best TV theme song ever? The Waltons or Little House on the Prairie!!
- When you were young, what would you dream you would be when you grew up? I used to want to be a nurse...but then decided I couldn't handle the blood, giving people shots, etc.
- When you’re alone in your own home, do you walk around naked? No...I would rather cover my body up with clothing at this point in time.
- What gets you out of bed in the morning? My kids
- Do you want to have more friends than you have right now? I would love to have more loyal friends that I could count on to be there for me no matter what and not to bail. But it seems that is really hard to find these days. I hate when I IM or text them and they take their sweet time getting back to me. What kind of friend is that?
- What part of the past year sticks out in your mind? Well it's only May..so I guess I would have to say: When my ex told me he was putting in for a transfer to Denver to be with his girlfriend.
- You win a scratch-off lottery game that gives you $2000 a week (after taxes) for the rest of your life. Do you keep your job? Well I don't work now.LOL But will have to find a job soon. But NO I wouldn't keep my job if I was getting that much money a week. My kids and I would travel a lot.
- Could you be in a long-distance relationship? If you’re in one, what makes yours work? I was in one a long time ago and they just don't work. You always wonder what the other person is doing or if they're cheating on you. I can't deal with that.
- What’s the best route to your heart? Be sweet to me..buy me things for no reason, tell me how much you care about me and love being with me.:)
- Have you ever met someone through the internet, then met them in real life? Yes numerous times..usually a disaster, but met one really good friend that way.
- What is your favorite sport? I like watching pro-football sometimes..especially if I'm betting!! Love the New Orleans Saints!
- What has been troubling you lately? Not having enough money for everything, the fear of being alone the rest of my life, never finding anyone who I truly love and who feels the same about me.
- Did you enjoy your high school prom? If you haven’t gotten there yet, do you look forward to it? If you didn’t go, why not?I didn't go to my high school prom...I wasn't popular in high school and was really insecure. Nobody asked me and there was no way I would have asked anyone. It used to bother me that I missed it, but not anymore.
- What do you use more often: your intuition or logical reasoning? To be honest...I use my emotions..which isn't a good thing. But out of those two..would have to go with intuition.
- Do you know what makes you happy? Still trying to figure that out.
- Tell me about the last book you read. I'm still reading it.."Wild Fire" by Christine Feehan...it's about people who can shift into leopards. It's paranormal romance and I love that genre!!!
- What is the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given? Either that I'm a really sweet, caring, kind person or that I'm a good mother.
- Who was your first crush? Doug Tellin or Brian Strauss in the 2nd grade!LOL
- Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Yes I think it's ridiculous that we think we're the only planet that has life.
- Predict what your life will look like a year from now. I will have a new place to live, I will be more financially stable and I will be with the love of my life...so here's hoping!!:)
- Often, people will ask how your last relationship ended. I want to know how it began. I had known Dave since Kingergarten..but we didn't even date in high school or really weren't even friends. He joined the Air Force and married someone else. They later got a divorce. He came home for Christmas in 1996. I was at the bar where my mom was bartending on Christmas Eve and he walked in. We didn't say much, but then I went home and called the bar to talk to him and say hey. He told me to come back down and we were together from that point on.:)
- Where is your favorite place to go out and eat? At a local place call "WallBangers"..it's a Sports Bar..but also another one called "Backroads." They both are really good!
- What is something you want to change about your current situation? EVERYTHING!! I want to love myself more, so I can get myself OUT of this situation.
- Early bird or night owl? Definitely a night owl..mornings aren't my thing, so the school year is really hard for me AND the kids who are also night owls!!
- Are there any childhood possessions you still hold on to? Not really. I think I have a stuffed animal or two around and a couple of nick nacks.
- Give me an unpopular opinion you have. I think that Obama is the antichrist and that even if he isn't..he's an idiot. People automatically think it's because he's black (which he isn't fully black anyway) that I don't like him, but that has nothing to do with it. I'm not a racist. I just believe he's a horrible person and people are following him like sheep...just like they followed Hitler.
- What was the last song that was stuck in your head? Should've When You Could've by Skillet.
- where did this q go???????
- Where do you live? Be as general or specific as you want. A small town in Colorado in the United States.
- Do you believe in giving kids medals and trophies for participation? No, they should have to earn it. That way they learn more than if they just get one for joining in.
- What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken? From Colorado to Calgary, Alberta, Canada!! In a van when I was about 18 with my mom, step-dad, grandma and two younger sisters...yes it was a VERY LONG car ride!!LOL
- Have you ever taken part in a protest? No but I would
- Would you ever use an online dating service? I HAVE used an on-line dating service (numerous ones)...they just don't work for me. Guess if I looked like a barbie, I would have more luck!
- What is your ethnic heritage? German, Swedish, Irish..not sure what else!LOL
- Describe a person that inspires you. This is a hard one to answer...I guess I would have to say this girl I used to babysit...Allison. She had some problems for awhile with drugs..but she got out of that. She works out every day, looks awesome and doesn't take crap from anyone.
- If you earn minimum wage doing what you love, would you? If I loved it, yes
- Do you believe in luck? If I do, I'm in serious trouble!LOL Some people seem luckier than others..so not sure why that is. I believe more in the universe helping out than luck.
- Describe the last time you were very angry at someone. It seems like I'm angry A LOT of the time anymore..but the last time I was REALLY angry was when we were in Denver a couple of weeks ago..got pissed off at my ex and then his girlfriends' daughter got involved...it wasn't a great thing. I hate being accused of something that I didn't do. If I did it, I will admit it.
- Do you want to live until you’re 100? As long as I can still take care of myself and I know what I'm doing (not have Alzheimers like my grandma did).
- Do people change? If so, how do you keep a relationship together when both of you start to change? Yes people change and grow apart. BOTH of them have to want to keep the relationship going...if it's just one person (me) and not the other person (my ex), then it's not going to work (obviously)
- Have you ever risked a friendship by telling someone you liked them? Yep and I have got to quit doing that...just leave it as a friendship..if it evolves on it's own to more..then cool..but I won't ever say anything about liking them again when I'm not sure how they feel about me.
- Would you rather be alone doing something you enjoy, or doing something you don’t like with your best friends? Alone
- Do you practice what you preach? I try, but it doesn't always work
- If you take precautions to stay safe, do you ultimately act more recklessly? I don't..but some people may.
- What do you value more in a significant other: Attractiveness or intelligence? Intelligence I guess...though I have to be attracted to them as well. What I really value is a sense of humor and kindness.
- Are you hard-headed? I don't think I am
- Have you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate? I have to be really careful at funerals. I think it's a nervous reaction. When I was 8 and my fave grandpa died...my cousins started laughing at how this guy was singing and that started me laughing and I couldn't stop...very dirty looks by all the adults..but I couldn't help it. I felt sooo bad. Anytime I have been to a funeral after that, I have tried to sit in the back (unless it's family), because I'm afraid it will happen again...it hasn't so far.,..knock on wood.
- When have you felt most alive? Being in the mountains always makes me feel more alive.
- Would you prefer to live? A city? The suburbs? The countryside? The mountains? In the mountains or maybe the countryside. Not a city person
- Do you often skip breakfast? Yes even though you're not supposed to. If I eat too early, it makes me feel sick to my stomach...though I love breakfast food later in the day.:)
- How do you know what true love is? When you love each other no matter what happens and nobody leaves. You think about that person more than you do yourself.
- Would you want to know the exact date and time you were going to die? Not only no, but HELL NO!LOL I would spend the rest of the time worrying about that day and time and wouldn't enjoy anything. I asked an oujia board once (never mess with those things...I was young and stupid), when my mom would die (of all things) and it said June 9th..didn't say what year. I told my younger sister and we were both freaking out that whole next year that she was going to die on that day. She didn't. BUT years later...my grandma died on June 9, 1999. Creep or what?
- Where is “home” for you? Right now..Colorado...but I'm gonna have to say at this point in time...wherever my kids are.
- What song best describes your life right now? Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
- Do you want to be perfect? I feel that I have to be...but I'm not perfect...I'm just me.
- What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? What’s holding you back? Hiking to a top of a mountain...I'm way to big right now and would probably die quickly.
- How do you express your creativity? Blogging, poems sometimes.
- Describe your neighbourhood. A nice quiet neighborhood....but not very friendly. I have lived here for almost 10 years...and I don't know my neighbors! There is a small church across the street.
- Name something you only liked because it was popular. Definitely parachute pants.:) Shirts with shoulder pads...who in the HELL invented that?? Should be shot. I looked like a football player!!LOL
- Give me the story of your life in six words. Always trying to please other people

Thursday, May 31, 2012
Answer & post on your own blog if you'd like.:)
I GAINED a pound this week. So much for losing another 5 lbs. Tired of being like this. I have been going for walks and not eating as much...though I should eat every few hours..just didn't have the money to do that. The last part of the month sucks money-wise. I also haven't been working out to the DVD's. So will work harder this coming week. I want to at least be below 300 by the 16th.
Adam and I have talked a little. He doesn't want a serious relationship since he has been hurt. So I will deal with that. I guess I just don't have patience for things like that.LOL I want everything NOW. But I will give him his space and if he wants to talk to me, he knows where I am. It's hard for me to feel out-of-control in any area of my life. Even if I DON'T have control, I like to feel that I do.:)
Nickelback will be in Denver on June 10th..that would be sooo cool to go to! But just don't have the money. I wish I had known earlier that they were going to be there. Then for the people who remember the 80's...Def Leppard & Poison will be in Denver on June 25th. It would be awesome to see them too!!:)
Adam and I have talked a little. He doesn't want a serious relationship since he has been hurt. So I will deal with that. I guess I just don't have patience for things like that.LOL I want everything NOW. But I will give him his space and if he wants to talk to me, he knows where I am. It's hard for me to feel out-of-control in any area of my life. Even if I DON'T have control, I like to feel that I do.:)
Nickelback will be in Denver on June 10th..that would be sooo cool to go to! But just don't have the money. I wish I had known earlier that they were going to be there. Then for the people who remember the 80's...Def Leppard & Poison will be in Denver on June 25th. It would be awesome to see them too!!:)
Monday, May 28, 2012
Well..I will start at the beginning..where most things do.:) On May 16th, I went to Bingo and my friend, Jennifer, was there with her husband Lyn. Lyn has a twin brother (they look nothing alike), named Wes. Anyway, Wes knows me from when we were younger. He has been hanging out with a guy that just moved here from Colorado Springs not too long ago named Adam. Well, for some reason, he thought of me..and told Jennifer to give me Adams' number. So I texted him the next day. We talked a little. Then I had gone to Denver for the weekend. Since I have been back, we have talked on messenger a couple of times..yesterday we were on for about 6 hours! He's just easy to talk to. But he has a lot of things that he's still going thru and trying to get over, so it may just end up being a friend thing. Who knows. Anyway, we decided that since we both like going to the mountains, that we would do that today. He actually followed thru! I have become very cynical about things like that, as you know. He likes taking crazy roads, but it was fun. Had a really nice time and we have things to talk about..which is good. I hate when there is nothing to say and nothing in common. Not sure where it will all go, but today was nice.
Going to Denver on Friday to see Joel Osteen, so that should be fun.:) I also get paid on Friday..Thank God!! Will have to get a job soon..even if it's fast food. Money is money.
I don't know if I told you in the last post that if I moved out of town, that Phillip wanted to stay here with my mom, so he wouldn't have to change schools. I thought that was OK, since I didn't want to make him move if he didn't want to. Well today, Dave tells me that's not going to happen, that Phillip needs to be with one of us. I can see where he's coming from, but I don't think it's fair to Phillip to force him to do something he doesn't want to do. Anyway, I told Dave that there was no way he was moving with him, so it would have to be with me. Hopefully we can stay around here and it would be a non-issue. It seems like Dave just likes pissing me off. He told me the other day that starting in July, maybe he could give me some extra money for awhile..which I thought was nice. So I said something about it last night and he thought I meant something else or whatever...so he says "Tammy I'm not going to pay all of your bills." THAT pissed me of royally. I never asked him to pay my bills or to give me extra money. So that started an argument. He said he was sorry & he didn't mean it that way. Then he calls me awhile ago to ask for gas money for a couple of days. He has his rules and then he has his rules for me. Annoys me.
Going to Denver on Friday to see Joel Osteen, so that should be fun.:) I also get paid on Friday..Thank God!! Will have to get a job soon..even if it's fast food. Money is money.
I don't know if I told you in the last post that if I moved out of town, that Phillip wanted to stay here with my mom, so he wouldn't have to change schools. I thought that was OK, since I didn't want to make him move if he didn't want to. Well today, Dave tells me that's not going to happen, that Phillip needs to be with one of us. I can see where he's coming from, but I don't think it's fair to Phillip to force him to do something he doesn't want to do. Anyway, I told Dave that there was no way he was moving with him, so it would have to be with me. Hopefully we can stay around here and it would be a non-issue. It seems like Dave just likes pissing me off. He told me the other day that starting in July, maybe he could give me some extra money for awhile..which I thought was nice. So I said something about it last night and he thought I meant something else or whatever...so he says "Tammy I'm not going to pay all of your bills." THAT pissed me of royally. I never asked him to pay my bills or to give me extra money. So that started an argument. He said he was sorry & he didn't mean it that way. Then he calls me awhile ago to ask for gas money for a couple of days. He has his rules and then he has his rules for me. Annoys me.
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
1. Shower or Bubble Bath? Shower...I would get stuck in a tub!!LOL
2. Money or Power? Money
3. Country Music or Rap? Country (& "Love the Way You Lie" by Eminem)
4. Sunshine or Thunderstorms? Both...but LOVE Thunderstorms!!
5. Uniform or Suit? Gotta like a guy in uniform!!
6. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
7. Beauty or Brains? Brains...but would like to try beauty for a bit first.;)
8. Newspaper or Online News? Newspaper...too much stuff is already on-line
9. Marinara or Alfredo? Alfredo
10. Lip Gloss or Lip Stick? Lip gloss
11. Beach or Mountains? Mountains
12. Talk or Text? Neither...LOL I guess texting.
13. CNN or Fox News? Neither really...who wants to hear all the bad stuff..but will go with FOX
14. Cake or Potato Chips? Potato Chips
15. Movies at home or at the theater? Theater
16. Bar or Bookstore? Bookstore...with screwdrivers!!;)
17. Rock or Pop? Rock
18. Manicure or Facial? Facial
19. Book or e-reader? Book...people are getting so lazy!
20. Planes or Trains? Planes...though flying scares me! But it's much faster!
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions. Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, and Happy Memorial Day!
FMM: One or the Other
1. Shower or Bubble Bath? Shower...I would get stuck in a tub!!LOL
2. Money or Power? Money
3. Country Music or Rap? Country (& "Love the Way You Lie" by Eminem)
4. Sunshine or Thunderstorms? Both...but LOVE Thunderstorms!!
5. Uniform or Suit? Gotta like a guy in uniform!!
6. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
7. Beauty or Brains? Brains...but would like to try beauty for a bit first.;)
8. Newspaper or Online News? Newspaper...too much stuff is already on-line
9. Marinara or Alfredo? Alfredo
10. Lip Gloss or Lip Stick? Lip gloss
11. Beach or Mountains? Mountains
12. Talk or Text? Neither...LOL I guess texting.
13. CNN or Fox News? Neither really...who wants to hear all the bad stuff..but will go with FOX
14. Cake or Potato Chips? Potato Chips
15. Movies at home or at the theater? Theater
16. Bar or Bookstore? Bookstore...with screwdrivers!!;)
17. Rock or Pop? Rock
18. Manicure or Facial? Facial
19. Book or e-reader? Book...people are getting so lazy!
20. Planes or Trains? Planes...though flying scares me! But it's much faster!
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions. Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, and Happy Memorial Day!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I did it!!! I actually lost the 5 lbs this week that I wanted to!! WOO HOO! I'm so excited.:) It feels good to reach a goal that I set for myself. Going for another 5 lbs this coming week. I'm determined to get down to at least 295 by June 14th.
Went to Denver last weekend for the boys bowling tournament..Saturday..it didn't turn out so good.:( It was my fault and I clearly need help for my anger issues. But it was also an eye opener for me. I need to let it go and move on. Yeah I know...I should have let go a LONG time ago and I thought that I had..but clearly I hadn't totally. I realize how happy Dave and Gracie are and I'm happy for them. Yes that just came out of my mouth..or my fingers actually!LOL I will explain a little...I was annoyed with Dave (what else is new, right?). I was pissed off and had an attitude. I was saying something to him and Gracies' 23 year old daughter, Nicole, was sitting there staring at me. She has never done anything to me and we have actually talked a few times and I have found her cool. But anyway, I lost it and said "what the fuck are you looking at?!" Yeah...horrible. Anyway..we got into a big argument, of course. Dave just pretty much stood there..I think he was just too stunned that I actually did that to do anything. Finally, Nicole went outside. That is just NOT me. I hate confrontation..have never been like that. Other people heard me..which is a little embarrassing..but I didn't really care at that point in time. I continued to be a bitch pretty much for the rest of the day. I ruined everyones' day..including the boys. I woke up the next morning..sent apology texts to Gracie and Nicole, told the boys I was so sorry and that I would chill out. They don't like Dave and I fighting (they have all told me this). So that Sunday, they had fun bowling, everyone got along (though Nicole wasn't there) and I just realized that I don't want to be this angry, bitter, crazy person anymore. I hope when the boys are grown, they won't hold the past few years against me OR their dad for what we have put them through.
I'm starting to look around for a place to rent. I own this house..well I will never really "own" it, but it's needs a lot of repairs and I just can't afford to ever get them done. Then starting in July, they raised the mortgage payments another $200. I'm hoping to get a place around this area..but we'll have to wait and see. I don't look forward to packing..way too much junk. The house will automatically go back into foreclosure after I move out. Dave isn't happy about me moving out of the house, but he has to understand that there's not much I can do at this point in time.
Today is the boys' last day of school! Can't believe that Summer vacation is here already!! I will have to keep them busy somehow..otherwise they will be bored out of their minds within 2 weeks!
Now the sad news..a little 5 year old girl here, named Bryn McQueen, died on May 21st or 22nd..not sure which yet. She had just graduated from preschool on May 17th..welcomed a new baby sister on April 26th. Had her 5th birthday last month as well. She died of an asthma attack. I don't know if they knew she had asthma before or if it just came on all of a sudden. I can't imagine what her parents are going through right now. I feel for them. I'm going to post a few pictures of Bryn here and a song tribute that I found..it's a really pretty song. Just go to the bottom of my page, I think, and pause the "regular" music that plays, so you can listen to the song I posted for her. Please keep her family in your prayers.
Bryn at her preschool Christmas program in December 2011.
Bryn on her last day of preschool...May 17, 2012. RIP little girl.
Went to Denver last weekend for the boys bowling tournament..Saturday..it didn't turn out so good.:( It was my fault and I clearly need help for my anger issues. But it was also an eye opener for me. I need to let it go and move on. Yeah I know...I should have let go a LONG time ago and I thought that I had..but clearly I hadn't totally. I realize how happy Dave and Gracie are and I'm happy for them. Yes that just came out of my mouth..or my fingers actually!LOL I will explain a little...I was annoyed with Dave (what else is new, right?). I was pissed off and had an attitude. I was saying something to him and Gracies' 23 year old daughter, Nicole, was sitting there staring at me. She has never done anything to me and we have actually talked a few times and I have found her cool. But anyway, I lost it and said "what the fuck are you looking at?!" Yeah...horrible. Anyway..we got into a big argument, of course. Dave just pretty much stood there..I think he was just too stunned that I actually did that to do anything. Finally, Nicole went outside. That is just NOT me. I hate confrontation..have never been like that. Other people heard me..which is a little embarrassing..but I didn't really care at that point in time. I continued to be a bitch pretty much for the rest of the day. I ruined everyones' day..including the boys. I woke up the next morning..sent apology texts to Gracie and Nicole, told the boys I was so sorry and that I would chill out. They don't like Dave and I fighting (they have all told me this). So that Sunday, they had fun bowling, everyone got along (though Nicole wasn't there) and I just realized that I don't want to be this angry, bitter, crazy person anymore. I hope when the boys are grown, they won't hold the past few years against me OR their dad for what we have put them through.
I'm starting to look around for a place to rent. I own this house..well I will never really "own" it, but it's needs a lot of repairs and I just can't afford to ever get them done. Then starting in July, they raised the mortgage payments another $200. I'm hoping to get a place around this area..but we'll have to wait and see. I don't look forward to packing..way too much junk. The house will automatically go back into foreclosure after I move out. Dave isn't happy about me moving out of the house, but he has to understand that there's not much I can do at this point in time.
Today is the boys' last day of school! Can't believe that Summer vacation is here already!! I will have to keep them busy somehow..otherwise they will be bored out of their minds within 2 weeks!
Now the sad news..a little 5 year old girl here, named Bryn McQueen, died on May 21st or 22nd..not sure which yet. She had just graduated from preschool on May 17th..welcomed a new baby sister on April 26th. Had her 5th birthday last month as well. She died of an asthma attack. I don't know if they knew she had asthma before or if it just came on all of a sudden. I can't imagine what her parents are going through right now. I feel for them. I'm going to post a few pictures of Bryn here and a song tribute that I found..it's a really pretty song. Just go to the bottom of my page, I think, and pause the "regular" music that plays, so you can listen to the song I posted for her. Please keep her family in your prayers.
Bryn at her preschool Christmas program in December 2011.
Bryn on her last day of preschool...May 17, 2012. RIP little girl.
I'm always late in answering these...LOL
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
1. Three of your favorite movies:
-Top Gun
-The Lake House
2. Three of your favorite things to drink:
-Diet Coke
3. Three of your favorite songs:
-Should've When You Could've by Skillet
-Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover by Sophie B. Hawkins
-Savin' Me by Nickelback
4. Three people who have recently been a positive influence on your life (outside of your family):
-Tim,,, who always makes me feel better and who has a great sense of humor. I'm glad I know him.
-Nicole....who forgave me even though I didn't deserve it and is there for me if I need to talk
-Adam...who has shown me that there is always something to look forward to,
5. Three things you to do keep yourself entertained:
- Read
-Mess around on the Internet...Facebook, Blogspot, Tagged, ExperienceProject
- Write letters
6. Three things you’re attracted to in the opposite sex:
- Sense of humor
- Nice smile
- Someone who makes the effort to spend time with me and get to know me.
7. Three things you love about yourself:
- I'm basically a nice person
- I care about other peoples' feelings
- My eyes.
8. The last three people who text messaged you:
- Jennifer..a girl I met while I worked a McDonalds years ago
- Joannie...one of my best friends that I hang out with from time to time
- Dave..my ex to ask a question about the boys
9. Three things you’re looking forward to this week:
- School getting out for Summer vacation for the boys
- Going to Bingo on Friday night
- My weigh in tomorrow...hoping for a 5 lb weight loss
10. Three wishes specifically for yourself…What are they? (Be selfish, and be honest.)
- To have enough money to travel wherever I want when I want
- To have a big house with maids and cooks
- To have the guy I like..like me back in the same way
.11. Three of your favorite quotes:
-" Each of us feels that we are just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less without that missing drop." - Mother Teresa
- "Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life." - Buddha
- "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got." - don't know who it's by
12. Three of your biggest fears:
- Dying and not existing anymore
- Not ever finding true love again
- Losing my loved ones to death
13. Three of your favorite TV shows:
-. Supernatural
- The Biggest Loser
- Blue Bloods
14. Three of your favorite things to purchase when you’re shopping.
- magazines
- pens..hey I LOVE pens!LOL
- books
15. Three things that you enjoyed last week:
- Going to Denver
- Hanging out with my kids
- Reading a good book
16. Three things that you always have in your bag or close to you if you’re not a purse kind of person.
- Cell phone
- lip gloss
- wallet
17. Three types of food that you wouldn’t want to give up.
- hamburgers
- peanut butter cookies
- crisp bacon
18. Three things you do to enjoy burning calories:
- Richard Simmons exercise DVD's
- Going for walks
- eating more protein...does that count as one?LOL
19. Three things you dislike about blogging:
- Having "haters"
- People not commenting on my posts
- Making friends and then they disappear
20. Three ways blogging has changed your life:
- It gives me a place where I can vent and get rid of some of my anger
- I have made a few good friends on here and makes me feel less alone
- It's helping me to understand what I need and want out of life.
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: Three Things
1. Three of your favorite movies:
-Top Gun
-The Lake House
2. Three of your favorite things to drink:
-Diet Coke
3. Three of your favorite songs:
-Should've When You Could've by Skillet
-Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover by Sophie B. Hawkins
-Savin' Me by Nickelback
4. Three people who have recently been a positive influence on your life (outside of your family):
-Tim,,, who always makes me feel better and who has a great sense of humor. I'm glad I know him.
-Nicole....who forgave me even though I didn't deserve it and is there for me if I need to talk
-Adam...who has shown me that there is always something to look forward to,
5. Three things you to do keep yourself entertained:
- Read
-Mess around on the Internet...Facebook, Blogspot, Tagged, ExperienceProject
- Write letters
6. Three things you’re attracted to in the opposite sex:
- Sense of humor
- Nice smile
- Someone who makes the effort to spend time with me and get to know me.
7. Three things you love about yourself:
- I'm basically a nice person
- I care about other peoples' feelings
- My eyes.
8. The last three people who text messaged you:
- Jennifer..a girl I met while I worked a McDonalds years ago
- Joannie...one of my best friends that I hang out with from time to time
- Dave..my ex to ask a question about the boys
9. Three things you’re looking forward to this week:
- School getting out for Summer vacation for the boys
- Going to Bingo on Friday night
- My weigh in tomorrow...hoping for a 5 lb weight loss
10. Three wishes specifically for yourself…What are they? (Be selfish, and be honest.)
- To have enough money to travel wherever I want when I want
- To have a big house with maids and cooks
- To have the guy I like..like me back in the same way
.11. Three of your favorite quotes:
-" Each of us feels that we are just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less without that missing drop." - Mother Teresa
- "Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life." - Buddha
- "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got." - don't know who it's by
12. Three of your biggest fears:
- Dying and not existing anymore
- Not ever finding true love again
- Losing my loved ones to death
13. Three of your favorite TV shows:
-. Supernatural
- The Biggest Loser
- Blue Bloods
14. Three of your favorite things to purchase when you’re shopping.
- magazines
- pens..hey I LOVE pens!LOL
- books
15. Three things that you enjoyed last week:
- Going to Denver
- Hanging out with my kids
- Reading a good book
16. Three things that you always have in your bag or close to you if you’re not a purse kind of person.
- Cell phone
- lip gloss
- wallet
17. Three types of food that you wouldn’t want to give up.
- hamburgers
- peanut butter cookies
- crisp bacon
18. Three things you do to enjoy burning calories:
- Richard Simmons exercise DVD's
- Going for walks
- eating more protein...does that count as one?LOL
19. Three things you dislike about blogging:
- Having "haters"
- People not commenting on my posts
- Making friends and then they disappear
20. Three ways blogging has changed your life:
- It gives me a place where I can vent and get rid of some of my anger
- I have made a few good friends on here and makes me feel less alone
- It's helping me to understand what I need and want out of life.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Can't believe that I'm up 4 lbs from last week.:( Totally gross. Anyway..on the bright side...I have pretty much stayed the same weight for the past 5 months or so. My reunion is the weekend of June 16th (as I've probably said too many times already!!)LOL I want to lose AT LEAST 21 lbs by then..would put me at 295. At least I would be below 300. I figure I need to lose at least 5 lbs a week from here til then. I'm hoping that it won't be as hard as it sounds.LOL I exercised today for an hour..now just trying to eat once every 3-4 hrs...maybe that will help. We shall see.
I have a lot to get done today and probably shouldn't be on here right now...but things can wait a little while longer. We're going to Denver tomorrow for the weekend for the boys' bowling tournament. I prefer to think positively (I know..a rare thing for me!!)LOL and believe that it will be a good weekend even with Gracie around. So I still have packing to do and some errands to run. Will be back sometime on Sunday and will let you know how it goes.
Found out that my sister, Bev, will be getting married by Elvis in Vegas in August 2013.:) That's cool. One of my best friends did that a couple of years ago. I went and loved it. I was planning on going back to Vegas in July 2013, so will see if my sister minds me being there or not, then will just change it to August if she doesn't. I don't know for sure if she just wants her, her fiancee and daughters there or not. I know that I will NOT do anything important in August ever again. It used to be my fave month..guess it still is..but too much has gone on that month. My birthday is August 31st..so that's a good thing.:) But Dave & I got married that month in 1997 (23rd), bought our first house in 2002 (14th), he told me he was leaving me in 2009 (7th), he moved out in 2009 (17th), told me for sure that he chose Gracie over me in 2009 (23rd...yep on our 12th wedding anniversary..thought that was nice of him). Plus both of his parents died that month. His mom in 2000 (19th) and his dad in 2008 (11th), which is Daves' birthday as well. So not the best month really. I don't know if I'll ever get married again..but if I do, think I would like an October wedding. Love the leaves changing and all. But, then again, a wedding on a beach in Mexico sounds nice too.:) At sunset. OK...enough of the daydreaming.LOL
Also..is it too hard to read my blog with the font I'm using? If so, let me know and I will change it.:)
I have a lot to get done today and probably shouldn't be on here right now...but things can wait a little while longer. We're going to Denver tomorrow for the weekend for the boys' bowling tournament. I prefer to think positively (I know..a rare thing for me!!)LOL and believe that it will be a good weekend even with Gracie around. So I still have packing to do and some errands to run. Will be back sometime on Sunday and will let you know how it goes.
Found out that my sister, Bev, will be getting married by Elvis in Vegas in August 2013.:) That's cool. One of my best friends did that a couple of years ago. I went and loved it. I was planning on going back to Vegas in July 2013, so will see if my sister minds me being there or not, then will just change it to August if she doesn't. I don't know for sure if she just wants her, her fiancee and daughters there or not. I know that I will NOT do anything important in August ever again. It used to be my fave month..guess it still is..but too much has gone on that month. My birthday is August 31st..so that's a good thing.:) But Dave & I got married that month in 1997 (23rd), bought our first house in 2002 (14th), he told me he was leaving me in 2009 (7th), he moved out in 2009 (17th), told me for sure that he chose Gracie over me in 2009 (23rd...yep on our 12th wedding anniversary..thought that was nice of him). Plus both of his parents died that month. His mom in 2000 (19th) and his dad in 2008 (11th), which is Daves' birthday as well. So not the best month really. I don't know if I'll ever get married again..but if I do, think I would like an October wedding. Love the leaves changing and all. But, then again, a wedding on a beach in Mexico sounds nice too.:) At sunset. OK...enough of the daydreaming.LOL
Also..is it too hard to read my blog with the font I'm using? If so, let me know and I will change it.:)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I'm soooo tired of being FAT!!! I don't eat much during the day..when it gets hotter out..I just can't eat without feeling sick, so I eat in the evenings. I try not to eat too much, but obviously that isn't working. I haven't been exercising much the past week or so, since I hadn't been feeling great. But my weight is up and I hate it. I wanted to be below 300 lbs by now..I definitely want to be below 300 by June 16th (high school reunion)...but who the hell knows if I'll get there or not. Just discouraged and pissed off about the whole thing at the moment. I'm going to post a couple of pics..I know I'm "thinner" than I once was..but I'm still too damn big. I don't know how to do the side by side thing..so will just put one above the other.
The first was taken in August 2009. The last two were taken 5-15-12. I just need to calm down a bit and not freak out and go eat everything in sight..because I figure what the hell I won't lose it anyway. Give me strength!!LOL
The first was taken in August 2009. The last two were taken 5-15-12. I just need to calm down a bit and not freak out and go eat everything in sight..because I figure what the hell I won't lose it anyway. Give me strength!!LOL
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
1. What is your current relationship status? Are you happy with that status? I'm single. No, I'm not really happy with that. I would like someone to go to the movies with, laugh with, talk with, share my feelings with, etc. On the other hand, I also like my freedom..not having to answser to anyone. I feel that when I find the guy I'm supposed to be with, that the freedom thing won't matter.
2. Do you find it enjoyable to take care of someone in addition to yourself, or do you prefer to be responsible only for yourself? I have 3 kids...so I DO have to take care of someone other than myself. It's not easy all the time, but when you become a parent, it's just what you do.
3. What’s the most important physical characteristic in your mate/potential mate? His smile definitely. The smile gets me every time. Also his eyes. I know everyone looks at the rest of the package as well...and I'm no different..but those two things are what make me melt.
4. What’s the most important (non-physical) characteristic in your mate/potential mate? There are a few...sense of humor is extremely important..life is too serious as it is. I need someone that can make me laugh, someone who is a bit optimistic...because I can be pretty pessimistic at times and I need someone who can show me the "bright side" from time to time, someone easy to talk to, honest, loyal, kind.
5. Is it important to you that your significant other have the same hobbies and interests as you? You have to have some of the same interests or it's not going to work. You don't have to have ALL the same interests..after all I don't want to be with the male version of me.LOL Shared interests are what usually brings people together in the first place. But you also have to have your own interests that the other one might not enjoy as much as you. That way, you can each go do your own thing when you need some space.
6. If you could go out on a date with a celebrity who would it be? "Marty Deeks" off of NCIS: Los Angeles...his real name is Eric Christian Olsen. I usually go for guys who are a little heavier..but he is just so cute and on the show, he has an awesome sense of humor! He has a great smile and great eyes...*sigh*
7. What’s your idea of a good first date? Dinner or coffee...being able to just talk to that person and feel comfortable is awesome...go for a walk like in a park..in the evening with the stars coming out. I used to like going to the movies on a first date...but that gives you no time to talk. So save that for the 2nd date.;)
8. Are there any traits/habits that you’d consider a deal breaker? Will not date drug users (marajuana...I guess that's OK to an extent...not all the time...don't need a pot head in my life..no offense to those out there!)LOL Someone who doesn't shower regularly or has bad B.O. I just can't deal with that. I like someone who smells good. Ummmm...someone with no teeth or missing teeth..not attractive to me at all....no married guys (believe me, there are plenty out there, who still think they can date even though they're married!)...someone who is a lot shorter than me. I already feel like an Amazon as it is...that would just make it worse. I THINK that's it...am I too picky??LOL
9. Okay ladies…Facial Hair: Yes, or No? Some facial hair is OK..I really don't like the huge beard or whatever...but SOME facial hair is OK..see #6!:)
10. Would you marry someone who is opposed to diamond engagement rings? I'm not really into too much jewelery..but engagement rings are important...diamonds are cool..but I would "settle" for sapphires or rubies.:)
11. What do you wish you could do differently in your next relationship? Not be so damn insecure. I have always had insecurities and it hasn't gotten much better with age. Would also like to really open up to someone and "let" them really KNOW me. I have a hard time with letting people get too close.
12. Is there anyone from your past that you’d like to date again now? Yeah...my first real bf from Job Corps..I was 20..just would have done some things differently. I still love him and always will. He feels the same for me..though we don't talk as much as we used to. Last year, I thought that maybe we would get back together and try again..but he lives in Alaska and I live in Colorado and neither one of us can leave (kids and all). It was the first time in years that we had both been single at the same time. But I think he's seeing someone else now.:( I can't blame him...some things you just can't get back.
13. Describe your worst first date story ever. I have had a few...but this one happened pretty recently...I might have blogged about it!!LOL Drove 2 hrs to see this guy...we had talked on the phone and it was awesome. Got along great! Well I get there, we talk for a bit. He hadn't been feeling good that day and I had asked if he wanted to make it another time..he said no. We decide to go to dinner at a little restaurant near his place. He orders, I order..then we had to pay right then...well he didn't make any move to get his wallet or anything...so I ended up paying for both of us! I knew then..that there was NO WAY it was going to work. I didn't even get a thank you. So while at the restaurant, he says that he has to work on this paper for one of his college classes (he had told me that he was going to get it done before I got down there, so we could spend that time together). I said that was no problem. I would watch TV while he did that. So we go back to his place, he goes in his bedroom and gets on the computer to do his homework. I sit down in the living room to watch TV. Pretty soon I hear something....I go to check and sure enough he's snoring! Yep...totally out. I'm like WTF?? So I watch TV for a little longer, giving him the chance to come and hang out in the living room with me or call me into his room to hang out. I hear him moving around...but nothing. So go to check again and he's still asleep. I was so pissed by this time. I had been texting my friend, J, and she's like you need to just leave..which I was going to do anyway. I don't like driving after dark. But I left him a note (not a very nice one), got my stuff and left. Drove 2 hrs back home. I text him when I get home to say what the hell and he thinks that I'm still in his living room!!LOL This was like at midnight..he had gone to do "his homework" around 7:30pm. Needless to say, we haven't talked much since. Talk about feeling stupid.
14. Describe the perfect date with your significant other. Nothing too elaborate..and evening picnic sounds nice. I have a thing about the moon and the stars.:)
15. Would you date someone shorter than you? LOL I answered this in one of the above questions. I would prefer NOT to date someone shorter than me..maybe a LITTLE shorter, but not much. I like feeling that I'm the one protected..not feeling like I'm the one protecting him!!LOL I'm a big girl, plus I'm 5'9. I have had guys say that they're 5'9 or whatever and when we meet, they're a little shorter than me...and they're like "wow you're tall!" LOL I would probably date someone who was like 5'7..but not much below that. I like a little taller. But it depends..you never know who you will fall in love with.
16. Share one (or a few) bonus traits that would be fun to find in an significant other (even if they aren’t as important as other traits.) Someone who likes cemeteries as much as I do!! I'm totally serious! Love walking thru them, looking at old tombstones, wondering about the people who are buried there and what their lives had been like. Plus there are some totally cool tombstones..especially the older ones. OK, now everyone thinks I'm even more weird.LOL
17. What’s one thing you’d like to do with a significant other that you’ve never done with another? This is a hard one..I'm totally drawing a blank...maybe go on a road trip. That would be a great way to really get to know someone..though it may not all be good!!LOL
18. PDA: Yes, or No? Some...there's no need to be all over each other...making out on a car in a Wal-Mart parking lot or something..hey I've seen it done!!LOL But I like holding hands and a kiss here and there.
19. Do you kiss on the first date? It depends on how the date is going. Plus if the chemistry is there. I LOVE to kiss...so if it's all good..then I'm going for it!!:)
20. Who, if anyone, makes your heart flutter? Someone who reads this blog...but he doesn't know it..so will keep it to myself.;)
FMM: All The Single Ladies (and Gents)
1. What is your current relationship status? Are you happy with that status? I'm single. No, I'm not really happy with that. I would like someone to go to the movies with, laugh with, talk with, share my feelings with, etc. On the other hand, I also like my freedom..not having to answser to anyone. I feel that when I find the guy I'm supposed to be with, that the freedom thing won't matter.
2. Do you find it enjoyable to take care of someone in addition to yourself, or do you prefer to be responsible only for yourself? I have 3 kids...so I DO have to take care of someone other than myself. It's not easy all the time, but when you become a parent, it's just what you do.
3. What’s the most important physical characteristic in your mate/potential mate? His smile definitely. The smile gets me every time. Also his eyes. I know everyone looks at the rest of the package as well...and I'm no different..but those two things are what make me melt.
4. What’s the most important (non-physical) characteristic in your mate/potential mate? There are a few...sense of humor is extremely important..life is too serious as it is. I need someone that can make me laugh, someone who is a bit optimistic...because I can be pretty pessimistic at times and I need someone who can show me the "bright side" from time to time, someone easy to talk to, honest, loyal, kind.
5. Is it important to you that your significant other have the same hobbies and interests as you? You have to have some of the same interests or it's not going to work. You don't have to have ALL the same interests..after all I don't want to be with the male version of me.LOL Shared interests are what usually brings people together in the first place. But you also have to have your own interests that the other one might not enjoy as much as you. That way, you can each go do your own thing when you need some space.
6. If you could go out on a date with a celebrity who would it be? "Marty Deeks" off of NCIS: Los Angeles...his real name is Eric Christian Olsen. I usually go for guys who are a little heavier..but he is just so cute and on the show, he has an awesome sense of humor! He has a great smile and great eyes...*sigh*
7. What’s your idea of a good first date? Dinner or coffee...being able to just talk to that person and feel comfortable is awesome...go for a walk like in a park..in the evening with the stars coming out. I used to like going to the movies on a first date...but that gives you no time to talk. So save that for the 2nd date.;)
8. Are there any traits/habits that you’d consider a deal breaker? Will not date drug users (marajuana...I guess that's OK to an extent...not all the time...don't need a pot head in my life..no offense to those out there!)LOL Someone who doesn't shower regularly or has bad B.O. I just can't deal with that. I like someone who smells good. Ummmm...someone with no teeth or missing teeth..not attractive to me at all....no married guys (believe me, there are plenty out there, who still think they can date even though they're married!)...someone who is a lot shorter than me. I already feel like an Amazon as it is...that would just make it worse. I THINK that's it...am I too picky??LOL
9. Okay ladies…Facial Hair: Yes, or No? Some facial hair is OK..I really don't like the huge beard or whatever...but SOME facial hair is OK..see #6!:)
10. Would you marry someone who is opposed to diamond engagement rings? I'm not really into too much jewelery..but engagement rings are important...diamonds are cool..but I would "settle" for sapphires or rubies.:)
11. What do you wish you could do differently in your next relationship? Not be so damn insecure. I have always had insecurities and it hasn't gotten much better with age. Would also like to really open up to someone and "let" them really KNOW me. I have a hard time with letting people get too close.
12. Is there anyone from your past that you’d like to date again now? Yeah...my first real bf from Job Corps..I was 20..just would have done some things differently. I still love him and always will. He feels the same for me..though we don't talk as much as we used to. Last year, I thought that maybe we would get back together and try again..but he lives in Alaska and I live in Colorado and neither one of us can leave (kids and all). It was the first time in years that we had both been single at the same time. But I think he's seeing someone else now.:( I can't blame him...some things you just can't get back.
13. Describe your worst first date story ever. I have had a few...but this one happened pretty recently...I might have blogged about it!!LOL Drove 2 hrs to see this guy...we had talked on the phone and it was awesome. Got along great! Well I get there, we talk for a bit. He hadn't been feeling good that day and I had asked if he wanted to make it another time..he said no. We decide to go to dinner at a little restaurant near his place. He orders, I order..then we had to pay right then...well he didn't make any move to get his wallet or anything...so I ended up paying for both of us! I knew then..that there was NO WAY it was going to work. I didn't even get a thank you. So while at the restaurant, he says that he has to work on this paper for one of his college classes (he had told me that he was going to get it done before I got down there, so we could spend that time together). I said that was no problem. I would watch TV while he did that. So we go back to his place, he goes in his bedroom and gets on the computer to do his homework. I sit down in the living room to watch TV. Pretty soon I hear something....I go to check and sure enough he's snoring! Yep...totally out. I'm like WTF?? So I watch TV for a little longer, giving him the chance to come and hang out in the living room with me or call me into his room to hang out. I hear him moving around...but nothing. So go to check again and he's still asleep. I was so pissed by this time. I had been texting my friend, J, and she's like you need to just leave..which I was going to do anyway. I don't like driving after dark. But I left him a note (not a very nice one), got my stuff and left. Drove 2 hrs back home. I text him when I get home to say what the hell and he thinks that I'm still in his living room!!LOL This was like at midnight..he had gone to do "his homework" around 7:30pm. Needless to say, we haven't talked much since. Talk about feeling stupid.
14. Describe the perfect date with your significant other. Nothing too elaborate..and evening picnic sounds nice. I have a thing about the moon and the stars.:)
15. Would you date someone shorter than you? LOL I answered this in one of the above questions. I would prefer NOT to date someone shorter than me..maybe a LITTLE shorter, but not much. I like feeling that I'm the one protected..not feeling like I'm the one protecting him!!LOL I'm a big girl, plus I'm 5'9. I have had guys say that they're 5'9 or whatever and when we meet, they're a little shorter than me...and they're like "wow you're tall!" LOL I would probably date someone who was like 5'7..but not much below that. I like a little taller. But it depends..you never know who you will fall in love with.
16. Share one (or a few) bonus traits that would be fun to find in an significant other (even if they aren’t as important as other traits.) Someone who likes cemeteries as much as I do!! I'm totally serious! Love walking thru them, looking at old tombstones, wondering about the people who are buried there and what their lives had been like. Plus there are some totally cool tombstones..especially the older ones. OK, now everyone thinks I'm even more weird.LOL
17. What’s one thing you’d like to do with a significant other that you’ve never done with another? This is a hard one..I'm totally drawing a blank...maybe go on a road trip. That would be a great way to really get to know someone..though it may not all be good!!LOL
18. PDA: Yes, or No? Some...there's no need to be all over each other...making out on a car in a Wal-Mart parking lot or something..hey I've seen it done!!LOL But I like holding hands and a kiss here and there.
19. Do you kiss on the first date? It depends on how the date is going. Plus if the chemistry is there. I LOVE to kiss...so if it's all good..then I'm going for it!!:)
20. Who, if anyone, makes your heart flutter? Someone who reads this blog...but he doesn't know it..so will keep it to myself.;)
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I spent the day at home..with two of my kids..the other one was at moms'. Then my other two went to their aunts house..and I stayed home and was lazy. I shouldn't have been. I had forgotten that the senior center in town was having a free Mother's Day dinner and that mom and I were gonna go. Of course, did she remind me? No..but that's my fault too. She had called and I had sounded depressed or whatever, so she didn't ask. I feel soooo bad!!;( I wasn't depressed..just totally forgot. Then I didn't have the money to get her anything. What a great daughter, right? I love my mom with all of my heart. I'm at her house constantly. I just screwed up on this one day.:( I hope that I can make it up to her.
Phillip brings me two corn dogs that he had fixed in the microwave and says "Happy Mother's Day."LOL Gotta love him. He was sooo sweet to do that. So unexpected. I don't like corn dogs much, but I ate the outside of them and he at the actual "dog,"LOL Matthew told me he loved me lotz. Then when I did get down to moms', Dominic had made me a wonderful paper on the computer...saying what all he loves about me. He wrote me a beautiful note telling me that he loved me more than anything in the whole wide world. It brought tears to my eyes. He made me a little photo album with pictures of him and his brothers that I had forgotten about. He had asked my mom and his aunt for some pictures for it. There are a couple of old pictures in there of my sisters and I when we were little. I will have to post them on here sometime. I also got some cards that Dave had bought for them to give to me. Phillip had gone with him to get them. They are awesome cards! I'm so thankful and grateful for my children. They give me hope and meaning to my life, where otherwise I would have none. They are amazing. So thank you boys from the bottom of my heart. I love you forever and always.
My 3 sons..Phillip, Dominic & Matthew
Phillip brings me two corn dogs that he had fixed in the microwave and says "Happy Mother's Day."LOL Gotta love him. He was sooo sweet to do that. So unexpected. I don't like corn dogs much, but I ate the outside of them and he at the actual "dog,"LOL Matthew told me he loved me lotz. Then when I did get down to moms', Dominic had made me a wonderful paper on the computer...saying what all he loves about me. He wrote me a beautiful note telling me that he loved me more than anything in the whole wide world. It brought tears to my eyes. He made me a little photo album with pictures of him and his brothers that I had forgotten about. He had asked my mom and his aunt for some pictures for it. There are a couple of old pictures in there of my sisters and I when we were little. I will have to post them on here sometime. I also got some cards that Dave had bought for them to give to me. Phillip had gone with him to get them. They are awesome cards! I'm so thankful and grateful for my children. They give me hope and meaning to my life, where otherwise I would have none. They are amazing. So thank you boys from the bottom of my heart. I love you forever and always.
My 3 sons..Phillip, Dominic & Matthew
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